2- Decisions

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The man with the tin foil on his head dragged me further into the dark alley way. I struggled against him but I couldn't budge myself away from to his strong grasp.

"When you struggle, I only get stronger"


  I tried yelling for help, but the cloth prevented me from speaking. The alley way was filled with muck and garbage. We approached a garbage can, we ducked behind. Behind the garbage can was a man sized hole. He crawled inside then dragged me behind him. Behind the tunnel was a giant... base?
He took me by the hand and hauled me toward a chair and strapped me down. He removed the cloth.

"Get away from me!"

I kicked and squirmed, fighting against this villain. He approached and dodged my kicks. He grabbed me by the throat.

"I know you know the identity of mysterion.."

"I just met him yesterday!"

"Wow, quick relationship. You kissed already!"

"That was him that leaned in not me! We barely even know each other! We're like aquatints! Less then that!"

He gripped harder on my throat, almost choking me.

"Tell me his name, or live to face the consequences, minions!"

Before I knew it, minions were coming in from each direction. They cleared a path leading straight toward me as 3 minions followed through the path. They were carrying a machine. Behind the glass were bolts of electricity, flashing back and forth.

"If you don't surrender now, this bolt will fry you, and you will perish as I watch you die."

"I swear! I don't know his identity! And even if I did I wouldn't give it to a scum like you!"

"Prepare the bolt! Put it on high voltage!"

I watched the minions carry the machine up to me, they stuck an IV in my arm, which was connected to the machine. The bolts danced as they higher the voltage, soon reaching its limit.

"When shall I pull it master?"

"Wait a second minion, I want to give the girl another chance."

I watched in silence.

"Give me his identity in trade for your life"

"I don't k-k-know!"

Tears were falling down my face.

"Now minions!"

A blade glided past my face and slit the strap against my arm. I ripped out my IV and the other strap of my hand.

"No no no! Get her!"

Piles of minions were chasing after me. I fought some of them off, but they were too strong, they trampled over me. I tried to push them off but it was no use.

"Hahahaha! I have you now! Bring her to me minions!"

I was grabbed and pulled up to a walking position as I was guided to this mystery man. He had a knife in his hand.


"Well Well well, if it isn't your knight in shining armour"


"Too late mysterion....You are going to SUFER!"

He raised his blade and struck


I looked at the gaping hole in my stomach and urged.


I got up and slapped Chaos.


"Looks like I have a few tricks up my sleeve you never knew about."

Professor Chaos watched as the hole in my stomach healed its self and faded away.

"Hmm, would you look at that. Not even a scar."

I punched him in the face knocking him out cold. The minions ran away. I turned around to mysterion, he looked stunned.

"How did you...."

"I'll explain later"

He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest, he was hugging me.

"You scared me"

"Woah, okay.."

I pushed him away and headed for the tunnel I had come in from. He followed me out.

"What are you some kind of alien or something?"

"What? No!"

"Then what are you?"

"I'm Y/N!"

He stopped and turned to look at me

"How would you like to be my sidekick?"

I turned to look at him,

"Are you freaking kidding?!"

He looked at me strangely now.

"Just because I have the ability to heal myself doesn't mean I'm going to go off with some stranger that I barely even KNOW! Let alone fight crime!"

He looked away, at the moon and stars.

"If you change your mind, you know what to do"

I turned around, he was gone. I thought about what he said, but I told myself it was a bad idea. But he's so cute! What am I saying!

The thought lasted when I was walking home, that night,the next day, the day after, and the day after that. Until I finally had a decision.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora