10- Who Are You?

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  I awoke in a small room. Where am I? The walls were painted F/C and the floor had a fluffy cotton on it. It kinda felt cool I guess.

I can't remember anything.

A figure walked into the room. It seemed to be a boy with a purple hood and mask.

"Oh my gosh thank god your up!"

  He came towards me with his arms out. I backed up against the wall.

"Get away from me! Who are you?"

  He had a shocked look on his face. "Y/N, Y-You don't remember me?"

  I shook my head, did I know this guy? It seemed to make him sad when I told him that I didn't know him, why is there a stranger in this room with me?

"You stay here, I'm gonna go get the guys. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't leave, okay?"

I hesitated but nodded. He exited the room.

  I sat back on the big square, comfy, bouncy thing with blankets and pillows on top. I closed my eyes yet to open them only 10 minutes later.

  A different person than last time entered the room. He had blond hair and a teal t-shirt. I was frightened.

"W-Who are you?"

"Oh I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to S-Startle you. I'm Butters, your best friend. Do you remember me?"

I shook my head once again.

"When I heard you lost your memory, I had to come and visit you! I thought maybe if you saw me, it would help bring your old memories back... We used to hang out all the time, so what do you say, want to come with me and try to regain your memories?"

  It sucked not being able to remember anything, especially my best friend B-Butters? But that guy from before told me to stay here..

"But.. there was a man here, he told me to stay here, he wore a purple hood."

  Butters eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! That's south parks most terrible villain Mysterion! He works with the evil Coon And Friends! We better leave before he comes back!"

  Holy crap! Did he want me to stay here so he could kill me? I have to leave before he gets back!

But those names...


Coon and friends?

It sounds, Familiar...

  But, he is my best friend? He must be telling the truth.

I agreed and followed him out the door.

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang