“My sources tell me that neither Alan or yourself killed the target, is this correct?”

“Yes.” I informed.

“Then who did?” He inquired looking up only to stare into my eyes with a piercing gaze ready to catch me in between a lie.

“I don’t know,” I answered meeting his gaze head on. “Alan had taken care of it and we had turned away from the target believing it dead, but it had charged ready to finish me and just then something had grabbed it by it’s throat ripping through it’s neck with it’s jaws and was gone as fast as it had come.”

“And you did not see it’s face?” He seemed to be doubtful.

“No, sir, I did not.”

“Very well,” he dismissed and just as I was leaving he called me back.

“And where do you think you will be going tonight?” He demanded.

“Excuse me, sir?” I frowned caught off guard.

“Cilia informed me that Alan had gone off somewhere,” he explained. “And she also brought up to fact you have been getting ready to leave, I was wondering where to?”

“No where,” I answered.

“Then you wouldn’t mind having to do a few errands for me tonight?” He arched a brow and I gritted my teeth together.

“No, sir,” I nearly growled out. “What is it you want me to take care of?”

“You remember hearing about the murders miles south of here?” He inquired. “I need you to go check that and report back to us.”

“I’ll go right now,” I answered knowing that if I left now I might make it back in time to meet up with Firo.

“What’s the rush?” He smirked. “You know that it’s best to wait for nightfall, for now rest.”

“I think its best I take care of this now.”

“Do you?” He frowned. “You usually hate to leave this early on a job.”

“It’s fine,” I answered heading towards the door.

“Ciel,” he said freezing me to the spot. “Who are you meeting up later today?”

“I told you no one,” I answered glaring down at my feet that refused to do as I willed staying firmly frozen where they were.

“Fine, but you’ll regret not telling me,” he informed letting me walk out. “And you’re not allowed out until nightfall hits, you to stay inside at all times.”

“But-” I was about to protest as the door slammed in my face and I sighed moving to my room looking at the clock. It was around half an hour until seven now. And I wasn’t going to be meeting Firo instead I had to head out somewhere else. The place was charmed not to let me out until it was time so until seven I was not allowed out. When the clock struck I stood and walked towards the double doors stepping out and looking towards the way I knew Firo was waiting. I began to walk the opposite way, it had been stupid to even agree to date him.

“Are you planning on ditching me?” I looked up from the ground to see Firo leaning against a tree looking me over once lingering over my neck a few times before looking up to meet my gaze.

“I have something else to do,” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it,” he reassured walking over and taking my hand as he began to drag me towards the main road until a car came into view.

“My job comes first,” I informed ripping my hand away from his grip, but he only ended up snaking an arm around my waist. “Let go, will you?!”

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