I look over at Kyle and we briefly made eye contact his stare telling me he also picked up on their feud. "I'm going to get a drink" I said standing from my chair "me too" Kyle also stood. I kinda grinned somewhat glad that Kyle got my note that I wanted to talk to him. I walked out of the classroom Kyle following behind me.

Once we're a little ways from the classroom I look at him. "I can't be the only one that is noticing this" "no I do and I think Cartman does too" Kyle reassures. "What the hell happened? They are subtle fighting blowing it off as they're not" I huff, making my annoyance notable. The last thing I wanted to do on my list is recover a friendship.

"I talked to Stan last night and he completely denied saying that they had a fight" "Kenny just told me he was mad nothing else, I don't understand" it was silent for awhile. "Y/n" "yah?" I looked at him as he stared at me with his green eyes.

"Did you not sleep?" I suddenly had the awful reminder of the nightmare from this morning. I press my fingers to my forehead "ya just not well. I had a nightmare" I tell. Kyle perks up "it's been awhile since you had one of those" he replies as we turn the corner slowly walking back to the classroom.

"It was about Kenny dying again but I nearly did as well" I tell. Kyle let's out a "ha" and I look at him questionably. "What?" "dude, you have the hots for Kenny" I punch Kyle's arm playfully "you know that's not true" I retort, this only makes him laugh rubbing his arm where I had punched him.

We make it to the classroom and I go to walk in but Kyle pulls me closer to him. I was confused for a second then I saw Wendy storming out "watch where you going" she hissed "thanks" I whispered looking at Kyle.

When we got back into the classroom Kenny and Stan were fighting. As Stan and Kenny were inches away from each other arguing, Cartman sat there eating a bag of cheesy poofs smiling. I walked over to the boys and stepped in between them stretching my arms out pushing them away.

"What is wrong with you two? What the hell is going on?" I snapped, Kyle making his way over to calm Stan. "Kenny snapped his shit when Wendy came in yelling at Stan" Cartman yelled obviously enjoying the drama.

"What?" I glance over at Kenny an extremely sour look on his face, Stan also looked furious. "What were they fighting about?" Kyle asked Cartman with his arms crossed "ya Cartman why don't you tell them?" Kenny hissed.

"Don't you dare fatass I'll beat the shit out of you. It's non of your business" Stan snapped "actually it is Y/n's" Kenny growled "I'll fucking kill you" Stan retorts pushing Kyle away from his grasps and attempting to force past me. I hug him pushing against him to stop him from moving forward.

"Stop it! Whatever is going on just stop" Stan relaxes wrapping his arms around me. At first I wasn't expecting it but my heart warms as he calms down.

"See" Stan mumbles. Unsure by what he meant I continue to hug Stan. Suddenly from behind me I hear Kenny curse.

"Un-fucking believe-able" Kenny snaps still pissed off as I pull away from Stan. Before I could figure it out Kenny begins to storm out of the classroom. "Kenny? Where are you going?" "Never mind just keep hugging Stan" he snaps. As he leaves my heart sinks into my chest his last sentence leaving me sadder then ever.

Feeling disheartened I move towards towards Kyle. Leaning against his shoulder for comfort. "Why are you two fighting? Cartman?" Kyle questions comforting me by rubbing his hand along my back with a sympathetic look.

"I can't say or I'll be beaten up" he responses, I sigh with frustration. "It doesn't matter" Stan blows off. "It does obviously fucking matters Stan" I retort pulling away from Kyle to go sit down in my desk.

"Y/n I'm sorry" Stan says as I run my fingers through my hair "it's fine" I said instantly shutting him out.


Kenny didn't return to class in fact I couldn't find him at all where the hell is he? "He's not answering my texts" I said looking down at my phone frowning "don't worry Y/n he's probably just hiding out somewhere" Kyle reassures.

"Probably fucking girls..."

I didn't quite hear what Stan said but Kyle sent him the nastiest glare "what did he say?" I asked Kyle. "It doesn't matter Stan's just being an ASS because his girlfriend is on her period" he said in an irritated tone. That's when I clue in that Kyle appear to be mad at Stan too.

Why the heck does everyone know what's going on beside me? "Where's fatass?" "Where else? The cafeteria" I replied to Stan.

We enter the cafeteria and I instantly scan for Kenny among the sea of teenagers. No luck, where is he?

Stan gently pushes me forward reminding of where I was "sorry I got distracted" I whisper, he smiles in response.

That damn smirk. I love it when he does that, my breath is always taken away by his handsome smile.

"It's Friday today right?" I asked Kyle who nodded in response, it went quiet after that. Each attempt of making conversation with the boys was always shut down leaving us in silence. I was starting to get annoyed.

I sit down as everyone began digging through their lunches. Usually Cartman would be talking rudely with his mouth full but even he didn't say a word. I cross my arms watching as the boys tried sneaking their glares at each other; Stan would glare at Cartman and Kyle was glaring at Stan.

I let out a laughing sigh trying to grab someone's attention. Normally Cartman would point out that I'm being a prissy bitch on her period but he didn't, that's when I knew something was wrong.

"Okay I'm done with this what's going on?" Everyone is quick to look down and make themselves busy.

"What are you talking about?" Cartman asks in a quiet tone "don't play stupid Cartman you all know what's going beside me. I can tell, you're never this quiet fatass" Cartman didn't reply "see you didn't even react when I called you fat, now, I'm going to ask one more time. What the fuck is going on?" I was raising my voice making my anger clear to the three delusional boys "it has nothing to do to with you okay?" Stan said calmly.

This made my blood boil because that was a flat out lie. "Really?" I pull my chair close to Stan he seemed extremely intimidated when I moved closer to him. "From what I heard it does, but know one is fucking talking, even Cartman" I look over at Kyle and he stares down at the plastic table intently, I knew he was listening. "Kyle's pissed at you" I mutter "no shit" Stan replied sarcastically "would you shut up for three seconds!" Kyle yelled at Stan and I.

Cartman practically fell out of his chair I was also kinda shocked as well, my mouth snapped shut as quickly as it opened.

"Stan" Wendy walks up to the four of us  "what's up babe?" I look away from Wendy and towards Kyle. I was actually kinda worried once I saw him clutching his hands into fists. "Can we talk?" "Ya sure" Stan goes to stand up but Wendy stops him and pushes him back in the chair, Stan looks at Wendy confusingly.

"Stan" she exhaled "we need to take a break" "what?" Stan threatens to stand up but Wendy pushes him back down once more "Stan it's for the best until you make up your mind" "Wendy please" "good bye Stan" Wendy cuts off in a stern tone turning on her heel.

What the fuck?! Just like that Stan bursts up from his chair while Wendy walks away. Kyle also suddenly stands and walks in the opposite direction. I wanted to go with Kyle but I also wanted Wendy to change her mind. I may have disliked Wendy and never want Stan to be with her but I can't watch them tear apart. Stan would be devastated.

"What about the party tonight?!" Stan shouted "take Y/n!" I practically jumped out of my chair and chased after her.

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