Parallel Universe

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In an parallel universe we probably would've been 3 years strong.

In an parallel universe our bond would've been so strong.

In an parallel universe I wasn't so weak.

But this is no parallel universe so my heart continues to leak.

We are not 3 years strong, but 3 years broken apart.

We are not bonding, instead I still cry out your name in vein because who you are today still 

breaks my heart.

In an parallel universe you are still my hero.

In an parallel universe that bird didn't exist to past false messages out of jealousy.

Sadly, we have met reality.

You are no longer a hero, but my kryptonite.

The bird did exist and ruined us with terrible rumors, in which broke both of us leaving our hearts with a growing tumor.

Does yours still grow? Mine hasn't stopped.

It hurts and so do your words.

In an parallel universe your vision is 20/20.

In an parallel universe your heart still beats the same.

Oh, how I wish this was the parallel universe.

Instead you're blind and cannot see that I remain here while the others have disappeared.

Unfortunately your actions show your heart has gone dead and if you were hooked up to a machine all I would hear is a continuous beep.

In a parallel universe I'm probably writing this, except I'm expressing how happy I am to not be 

how we are in this universe .

In a parallel universe you're still my boy and I'm still your gal.

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