🔼 Hangman 🔽

Start from the beginning

Karin later told them, begrudgingly, that she overheard him saying that he had feelings for the pink-haired female in the past. It came as a surprise to no one, but their questions certainly found some answers.

"So if he just gets laid, it's sorted, right?"


"Is that all you ever think about, you fucking retard!?"

"Duh. I figured since life ain't givin' me any peaches, I might as well have women."


"Not now, you two. This isn't the time. If you piss off Sasuke, he really will shoot you."

"Yeah, get a hold of yourself, Suigetsu."

"Why you-!"

The door to the motel room opened.

"I'm going to bed. If I hear a single noise, count yourself good as dead."

As he shuffled under the covers, they exchanged glances but said nothing. When Sasuke warned them of something, chances were, he was going to do it.

A few days later, Sasuke received a phone call from maa. Sakura vanished from his mind. A new face took the preoccupied space. The commissioner of police, Nagato Uzumaki.

The red-haired officer sat across from him at the cafè, sipping at tea. His entire body was tense. Uzumaki was clearly not foolish enough to take Sasuke lightly. A silver gun sat at the table like the threat that its owner was.

"You visited my mother and Suigetsu's girlfriend."

It wasn't a question. His voice was cold and though delivered flatly, under the surface bubbled anger.

"I did."


"To find you, of course."

"Well, I'm here. Are you satisfied?"

"Not quite. The shackles are missing."

"Your business is with me. Don't involve my mother in it. She's got nothing to do with this. Just like your family doesn't."

"Is that a threat?"

"I don't like to owe anyone. So my people are paying a visit in kind to your wife and kid. Judging from your expression, you had no idea."

Sasuke pulled out his phone, casually dialed Karin's number and put it on speaker.


"Tell our little friend here how it is going over there."

"Jugo's in there talking to Konan. Nice house you have here, Officer Uzumaki."

"That's a bluff," said Nagato, but his gritted teeth betrayed his thoughts.

"Oh? But from what I see, little Yahiko sure likes our big friend here."

"You keep your filthy paws off my family."

A familiar child's laughter came on the phone. Nagato's fists closed in anger. Sasuke disconnected the line.

"Don't even think about it, officer. You so much as aim that gun at me and you see the guy over at the front booth?" Sasuke slid his eyes toward a man wearing a cap with silver hair peeking out from under it. "Yeah? You know him, don't you? He isn't as tolerant of your kind as I am."


"Ironic coming from you, isn't it?" He leaned forward. "Listen here, pal. We don't involve our families in what we do. It ain't our style. You stay away from ours and we stay away from yours. Relax. Don't think of it as a threat," Sasuke told him, standing up and casually patting Nagato's cheek with his loaded gun. "Treat it like a second chance."

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