🔽 The Unseen 🔼

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WARNING: Please exercise discretion when reading this story. Readers have been warned about the content of this story. NOT FOR CHILDREN.

Part two of 'The Unseen'.


Its unedited, guys. There are going to be a lot of mistakes. Please excuse them.

Words:  5.1 K

Published On: 02.21.18


Somethings in life, you just cannot be prepared for. The worst comes without knowledge or hint, in the quiet of the shadows and drags you into its darkness to suffer in agony, neither escape nor relief, forever suspended in hell.


"How long have you known Miss Haruno, Mr. Uchiha?"

"About ten years."


"Three. We were friends before that."

"So, did Sakura ever share her problems with you?"

"All the time."

"Do you know of her past?"

"I know everything she has confided in me - why are you asking me all this?"

"Has she ever mentioned any childhood trauma or a difficult childhood?"

"No. She had a normal - a good - childhood."

"What about her parents?"

"Mebuki and Kizashi are good people."

"Have there been any such instances before when Sakura has behaved not quite like herself?"

"Never before this."

"Has she ever experienced anything that might cause her trauma or psychologically wound her?"

"Not that I know of.. except.."


"There was this one incident.." Sasuke takes a breath, revisiting the Marc incident with Dr. Shizune. "It all started after that."

"I see. What about you, Mr. Uchiha? How is your life?"

"Normal. What does this have to do with me? I am here for Sakura."

"You and Sakura must be very close. How often did you engage in intercourse?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You said she seemed different. When and why do you think you felt that way?

"She was just.. not herself.  When we... it was just not the same."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I just told you - she was different."

"Different how?"

"Aggressive. Not like herself. She just .."

"Touched you differently?"


"What about your childhood, Sasuke? Have you experienced any trauma?"

"I lost my parents when I was seven. My brother died four years ago."

"That must have been hard on you."

"Sakura saw me through my brother's loss."

"Was she sympathetic? Did she cry for you?"

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