🔼 Hangman 🔽

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Words: 4.3 K

Published On: 06.10.18


Sasuke's childhood was a little different than most kids. He'd seen and heard of things far beyond his young years. It created a darkness in him that never seemed to leave his side. He ran from it for years and was successful too. Or so he thought. One day, he was shown just how inescapable the black hole of despair truly was. It was the day his best friend was killed before his very eyes.

The police searched for days after he ran away from the hospital. But maa didn't. She knew him in a way no one ever could. The cruel death of his best friend meant that the sun had finally set on Sasuke's dreams. Never did it rise in his world again. It was blood that burned beneath his skin like fire then. It kept pushing him to fight or he'd have been dead years ago. As long as Sasuke fought, he felt alive. The blood he shed became a mark of his survival, yet a taunt to all that he was. Or wasn't.

He'd tried so hard and so bravely, to become a good man. But people he cared for kept leaving him. Father, Brother, Naruto... and Sakura. Yes, Sakura. As far as teenage love stories go, he always felt beyond his years. He was convinced if there was ever anyone he could be with, it was her. It didn't matter if she wasn't a fighter like he was or as street smart. Or even that she could never ever relate to his darkness. Or that he would never truly grasp what she was.

He had come to, against all odds, love her. Love her so, that even after they decided to separate as life led them to vastly different paths, he chose to wait and make himself worthy of her. All for it to end one day like dust in the wind.

Little did he know, her world was going to crash and burn like his own, too. And that her innocence would make it a hundred times worse.

"-suke. Sasuke!"

Sasuke blinked. Was he lost in his thoughts again?

"Man," Suigetsu groaned. "You've been so absent lately. What's up with you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he dismissed.

They walked back to the car with no further conversation on Sasuke's part. Even as the road vanished behind them, he spoke little and spent his hours in the vehicle sleeping. The quiet behavior persisted until one day, his teammates couldn't help themselves.

"Are you feeling alright? You've been so out of it lately," commented Jugo. The way he said it, one may take it as a casual inquiry but he could tell the man was worried.

"Its 'cause of that chick. I'm tellin' you."

Karin smacked her companion on the head harder than usual. Her tone wasn't its usual annoyed self either, but angry. "You're such an idiot, Suigetsu."

Even Jugo sighed and shook his head. He'd clearly said something wrong.

"I'm out of cigarettes. Get me some."

The three people turned to face their leader idly smoking at the table. His face was indecipherable. Blank. You couldn't tell if he was angry or indifferent toward their questioning.

"Are you deaf? I asked you to bring me cigs."

Angry, then.

While Suigetsu left to do just that, the other two couldn't help but gaze at him in concern.

"If you two stare any longer, I'll shoot you."

Yes, he was definitely irate. Suigetsu sometimes joked about him needing to blow off more steam than he did, which wasn't much. Especially compared to the silver-haired gunman's womanizing expeditions. Ever since the Ryuji Saburo job two months ago, Sasuke had been highly irritable. Judging from the number of cigarette butts on the table daily, it was clearly going nowhere.

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