Gina tilted her head, eyelids relaxed to half last. "He can bleed. If he can bleed, he can die. If he can die, it's just a matter of finding the right way to kill him."

Bart shrugged. "Sure. Everything dies. Coven dies. Citywalkers, they can die. I've read the files. Harder to kill, sure... but they can die. Vampires can die."

Gina shook her head. "No such thing."

"You're willing to hunt and kill Coven because they use magick."


"Magick. You're willing to believe in magick, and witches."

Gina smiled. "I've seen coven work their will. I've been closely acquainted to the consequences. I know magick exists."

"Did you read Gerald Dean's report on The Lockdown?" Bart stared Gina in the eyes, his expression grave. "The one before ol' green eyes went and tore the place apart?"

"The one with Blanca, Ammielle, and Crimson, sure."

Bart sipped his coffee and made a face. "There are things in this world that we cannot understand, but they do exist."

"Crimson was sick. Maybe she thought she was a vampire." Gina frowned, and wiped her forehead. "There's no such thing."

"I believe you believe otherwise. Maybe you don't want to face it, but I think you know better."

Gina scowled. "Bart, I wonder how you can stand the smell, you know?"

Bart, cautious, cleared his through. "Smell?"

"Yeah, well... You know. The smell?" Gina's brow furrowed, her eyes narrowed, and her voice took an edge. "...from all the bullshit you're vomiting up."

Bart gave Gina a curt smile. "Clever, girl. You're not very bright, but you're clever."

"Straight "A" student, baby. All the way to graduation. I'm an educated herspanic. Throw me a something."

Bart shrugged. "Check the MacAllen ruins."

"Why would I do that, Walker? You'd have me chasing nothing if you could."

Bart grumbled, and rubbed the stubble on his face. "I'm trying to keep you alive, Gina."

"He ran at you last night. Even when I had him down, he wasn't after me. He walked away."

"He was outnumbered. "

"Two to one." Gina point her thumb behind her in no particular direction. "Last I heard, that didn't work out so well for the hunters involved."

Bart flinched.

"He tried to kill me. It's mutual. I tried to kill him. He walked away. Do you know what that tells me?"

"It tells you he's out of ammunition."

"Bane could snap me like a twig. It was up close." Gina blushed. "Personal."


"No, it's not peculiar. He prefers not to die ." Gina shook her head. "He would rather live to fight another day."

"So, what is it then?" Bart cradled his coffee cup in both hands.

"If he wants to live to fight another day..." Gina played with a lock of her hair. "...if he even suspected the odds were against him, it tells me Bane can die... and he may even be aware of this."

"I don't know, because I dont know who Bane is. It wears a mask. Everywhere."

"Bart, who is Bane?"

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