🍼🐈 Daddy Hang Up! 🐈🍼

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Jimin had spent most of his day off from work at...Well work... On his days off instead of going out with his friends or...Daddy, he'd dance his little heart out (pun intended) at the dance studio. Jimin loved intense dancing it was easy to get any anger out that way..But because of Yoongi's protection from anything and everything that might harm the boy he settled with doing contemporary the entire time he was there, using his body to show what he was feeling: Love, trust, euphoria, and... Worry.

Tomorrow was father's day. Yoongi had convinced the younger to call his father but it just didn't seem right to him. Jimin's father wasn't the nicest of people but he wasn't horrible either he was fine with his son's gay relations but when he found out about little space... He had just looked at Jimin with disappointment that day. Jimin didn't hate his father however and his father didn't hate him. 

Jimin sat down on the floor taking a sip of water from his sippy cup. He sighed leaning his head back against the wall setting the cup next to him.

Jimin was drawn into relaxation from sipping on the cup it was calming for him. He closed his eyes letting sleep take over him... Well at least he was going to until he heard a bunny walk in with a tiger, snapping him out of his trance.

"Daddy look! Jiminie is here!" Jimin opened his eyes looking over at Jungkook clinging to Taehyung.

"I know Kookie I said he would be remember it's his day off." Taehyung chuckled at the bunny while waving over to Jimin. He waved back standing up walking over to the two.

"Can we have a play date Jiminie? I haven't had one in a while." Kookie gave Jimin the cutest bunny smile he'd ever seen as he turned to Tae. "If it's okay with you Taehyungie just contact Yoonki okay?" Tae nodded while pulling Kookie into his arms. "Sure thing Jiminie, you heading home?" Jimin nodded responding.

"I have to get home to Da- Yoonki I miss him." Jimin smiled walking over to his bag packing up his things putting his sippy cup in the side pocket while he grabbed his phone and headed towards the door.

"Bye Tae Tae! Bye bye Kookie! See you guys whenever!" He waved the two boys off walking out of the studio making his way to the train station. He texted Yoongi to meet him at another train station so he'd be there when he got off. To say Jimin was excited was a understatement but, before he could get into little space he had to call his father to make sure it was okay for him to come over.

As Jimin made it to the train station he pulled out his phone and unlocked the screen.

"Okay Google, call Dad." He smiled when the screen lit up signifying the machine heard him but it dropped immediately after hearing it speak.

"Calling Daddy."

"No no no no not again please stop!" Jimin tapped the screen repeatedly hoping it would stop. Yet.. It did not and Yoongi.. Sadly picked up.

"Hey kitten! Did you miss me that much?" The train pulled up as Jimin walked on replying with a hushed tone closing his eyes once he found a seat trying to attempt not going into little space.

"U-um...I can't talk right now." People were already staring as he looked down embarrassed.

"Aww you sound so cute when you're flustered baby boy, who's daddy's baby?" Jimin's face was a tomato at this point and he whined at Yoongi's teasing thankfully the train was speeding along to its next stop.

"N-no I-i told you...I can't right now..." Jimin covered his face as some people also started to blush listening to the conversation.

"Nuh uh... Who's daddy's cute baby boy?" The train pulled up to his stop as Jimin quickly rushed out onto the train platform walking towards the stairs.

"Hehe...Meeee Daddy." The boy giggles as some people look at him strangely but he doesn't care as he runs the where the cars are parked.

"I see you baby I'm waving and near the back row of cars come quickly." Jimin nods knowing Yoongi can see him as he hears the phone hang up and he looks all around searching for Yoongi while walking to the back row where Yoongi said.

"Daddy!" Jimin screeched when he saw Yoongi waving and immediately started running to him and stopped only when he got to him.

"There you are my baby boy." Yoongi pulled the boy into a hug holding him close and by instinct Jimin immediately hugged him back. "You ready to go home little one?" Jimin looked up at the man nodding as he smiled.

"Yush oh and Taehyungie and Kookie wanna have play date! Can we can we?" Jimin gave the male the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Hmm..." Yoongi brought one hand up to his chin pretending to think about it. "Of course little one whatever you want. Did you remember to thank Hobi for letting you use the studio this weekend?" Jimin nodded once more and leaned up a little to kiss him.

Yoongi kissed back moving his hands onto the boys butt smirking as Jimin broke the kiss giggling.

"Let's go home Daddy I missed my stuffies and I wanna cuddle with you." Yoongi nodded and let go of the boy earning a whine before he opened the passenger side door for him.

"Get in baby." Jimin grabbed his bag getting into the car smiling like an idiot realising that he was driving Jimin's favorite of Yoongi's cars. The red Lamborghini.

Yoongi quickly got into the drivers seat and started the car up but before moving he leaned over and kissed the pink haired boy.

"I love you Jiminie." The boy smiled softly blush covering his cheeks again as he looked over at Yoongi.

"I love you too Yoonki"


Yay first one shot done!

If you guys have anything you want written just tell me, I'll be trying to keep the one shots 900 - 1200 words long and for the short stories I'll separate them into parts of 1000 words at least.

Hope you like it^^

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