Day 1: June 29 (Monday)

Start from the beginning

"Toadette!" Toad hits my face with one of my braids. "We're going downstairs now? Hello?"

"Oh, sorry," I say, picking up my bags. "Let's go."

You now have the right to call me an overthinker.

~ Birdo's POV ~

I smile at my reflection in the mirror. I look fabulous. I'll make such a pretty first impression and that's one of the things I need to do in order to get friends.

I just moved to the Mushroom Kingdom a month ago, and my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to go to Camp Tanooki so I could make my first friends here! I agree, it's a great idea and I'm excited to go. I don't even care that there won't be any WiFi and gadgets aren't allowed. I just want to make friends. And I know for sure that just sitting around, looking at your phone, and not talking to anyone is considered antisocial. And antisocial is something that I definitely don't want to be at Camp Tanooki.

I apply some lip tint and continue to practice smiling. Yup, I'll surely get friends. Well, I hope so anyway.

~ Rosalina's POV ~

"Eleven... Twelve... Perfect!" I grin. All of my books are organized in one of my bags and I'm not forgetting anything.

If no one will keep me company, then my books will. I'm not nervous about going to Camp Tanooki because of the activities. I'm nervous because of the other campers. You see, I've been homeschooled my whole life and I don't really know anyone my age. I only know how to interact with people way younger than me and way older than me. But, being with people my age is practically a foreign language to me. I'll probably keep saying things I'm not supposed to say. Dad sees the panic in my eyes and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry, Rosie. I'm sure you'll make some friends," he assures me.

"I hope I do," I murmur.

"Well, the bus will arrive in a few minutes," Dad says. "You should go now or else you'll be late."

"I'll miss you, Dad," I hug my only living parent. "Love you."

"Bye, Rosalina," Dad replies. "I love you, too. Have fun, but please try not to get yourself into trouble." He gives me my bags.

"I'll try," I give my dad one last smile before heading out the front door.

Camp Tanooki, here I come.

~ Bowser's POV ~

"I wish you didn't sign me up for this thing," I grumble at the breakfast table.

"You will thank me after the eight weeks are over," Dad tells me. I doubt it.

I don't understand why Dad wants me to go to Camp Tanooki. Even the name sounds ridiculous. Dad said he wanted me to have an "awesome summer camp experience" or something like that. Well, I think the experience will be a waste of time! There are many other ways to have a great summer! Too bad Dad can't see that.

If I won't have a good time at Camp Tanooki, I'll make sure no one else will either. Therefore, there will be no more "happy campers" in the camp and people will eventually stop signing up for it. I'm so smart, aren't I?

"I'm done eating," I stand up, carrying my bags.

"Bye, Bowser," Dad gives me a one-armed hug. "Have fun!"

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