Day 22: July 20 (Monday)

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~ Wario's POV ~

"That was enjoyable, don't you think?" Toad says as he walks beside me.

"Yeah, despite the fact that some of us were half-asleep," I reply.

We had just come from playing "Capture The Flag" with a bunch of other campers. Specifically, our cabin was playing with Cabins D, E, and F. Our cabin was teamed up with Cabin F, and we lost after a good thirty minutes.

I don't really mind though. I'm not as big of a sports enthusiast as the guys I hang out with are, but I don't hate sports either.

"I'm hungry," I state out of the blue.

"What?" Toad laughs. "But, we just ate breakfast before the game."

"Yeah, but I'm always hungry," I tell him. He should know by now.

"True," Toad responds. "But hey, I think we're free to do anything for the next two hours. Let's head to the cabin and eat chips or whatever."

"Sounds good to me," I say.

By the time we get to the cabin, Bones and Boo are already chilling there. Pretty surprising how they got there before us.

I grab a giant bag of potato chips from a pile of my junk and open it. Toad sits across from me on the floor, reaching over and grabbing handfuls of chips at a time.

"Hey, you want some?" I ask Bones and Boo, holding up the bag of chips.

"Nah, I'm gonna sleep," Bones answers. He then turns over in his bed, facing away from us. I guess that's the last we'll hear from him for awhile.

"Sure," Boo says. I throw the bag of chips towards him. He takes a few chips before throwing the bag back at me.

"So, is this all we're gonna do for the time being?" Toad questions. "Just sitting around?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind," I reply. "But don't worry, Toad. You'll get your daily overdose of sports soon enough."

Suddenly, Birdo and Dixie enter the cabin.

"Hey, everyone!" Birdo grins. We all exchange hellos with the two girls.

"So, what brings you here?" I question.

"Oh..." Birdo shoots a glance at Boo.

"I forgot to mention it. They're just here to hang out," Boo informs Toad and I.

"What happened to Bones?" Dixie asks.

"Just asleep, no big deal," Boo answers.

"Ooh!" Birdo sees the chips and slides down onto the floor in between Boo and I. "Can I have some, please?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I reply.

And so, my morning break is spent with Birdo, Boo, Dixie, and Toad. Bones sleeps the entire time.

I do notice that during our chat, Boo seems more comfortable than usual. He speaks up more, laughs along with us, and just seems to have more fun. I'm happy for him, but also surprised. What makes him decide to drop his usual antisocial image now of all times?

Whatever it is, I'm glad he's beginning to open up. I can only hope that Bones is the same way.

~ Mona's POV ~

"It's so frustrating!" Daisy complains.

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