Day 14: July 12 (Sunday)

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~ Bowser's POV ~ 

"Bowser, you have to proceed to Cabin B now," my cabin counselor, Elliott informs me.

"Why?" I ask, sounding rude without trying. Oh whatever.

"Unfortunately, I can't say," Elliott replies. It's not like I actually expected him to tell me anyways. I simply head straight to Cabin B because why not?

Since I'm Cabin A, Cabin B isn't very far from here. I easily arrive there and enter the cabin right away. Hey, Elliott DID tell me to go to Cabin B so he should be thankful that I'm not elsewhere.

As soon as I enter the cabin, the scents of of lavenders, lemons, and strawberries hit me. I instantly wrinkle my nose. Maybe it's because of the smell, or maybe it's because I realize that there are three other people here that I am expected to socialize with.

"Welcome to Cabin B, where the 'Berry Lemony Lavender' perfume resides," Daisy rolls her eyes, noticing my arrival. "It wasn't my idea to make this place reek."

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't care?" I snap. Daisy raises an eyebrow before turning away from  me.

I take a moment to glance around the room. It's so... Girly. Like the decorations and everything practically scream "FEMALE". Well, I shouldn't have expected anything different. Plus, it's none of my concern. 

"Hi," Toad glances at me. I ignore him. 

The only other person in the room is Bones. He is sitting on the edge of a bed that is basically covered in throw pillows. He is isolating himself, and that's what I plan to do as well. 

I sit down on the floor, somewhere away from the others. I'm about to prepare myself for being stuck in this cabin for a long time, bored... But, Daisy and Toad's conversation temporarily catches my attention.

"Why do you think we had to come here?" Toad questions.

"I don't know, I sure got a bit surprised when you and Bones first arrived here. Then, Bowser afterwards," Daisy states. "And my cabinmates left the place before you all came."

"Are we the only ones that are part of this, or has everyone been divided into little groups?" Toad murmurs.

"The latter makes sense," Daisy responds. "The question is, why would they do this? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm really curious."

"They're probably attempting to get us to socialize with people other than our own cabinmates, even though some of us already do that."


Then Daisy and Toad changed the subject and begin getting to know each other, all of that stupid stuff.

NOW I'm stuck in this cabin for a long time, bored.

~ Boo's POV ~

At school, I'm always alone because Bones is a grade below me. I got used to that. But outside of school is where we hang out. And we hang out like A LOT. Now that it's summer, Bones and I might as well be seeing each other 24/7. During this time of the year, I get used to seeing him everywhere and I generally feel a little more comfortable.

Anyways, my cabin counselor told me to go to Cabin F. I have no idea why. I'm at the door of Cabin F now. But, there's one problem... I'm the only person from my cabin who has to come here. And Bones is in my cabin.

I force myself to open the door and enter the cabin. However I immediately get startled by Birdo, who glances at me in an excited manner.

"Hello!!!" Birdo smiles, gesturing for me to sit next to her.

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