Chapter 113 - Cameron - Cal - Mare PT 2

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Mare POV

I stay at my parents for 5 days, and by day 2 I am missing home. I miss Cal and the way he always asks me about my day before bed. No matter how tired he is, he always asks, and I do the same. I miss my kids. I miss Coriane and the way she asks me every morning if she can pick her dress. I miss Maxton and the way he imitates Cal at the breakfast table, eating what his dad eats. I miss Aria and Axel. Even though they are so young, I already see their energies connected because they are twins. I miss their smiles, their hugs before bed.

I feel serious mom guilt, and shame in the fact I left them back in Norta. But I have to remind myself how much I need this, and why I left in the first place.

On day 5, I pack my bags, and Dad comes to the porch to bid me farewell. The first couple of days were intense, with the crowds and people gathered to see me. But now it is settled, as I watch the children play, running on the freshly paved road.

"You ready my girl" Dad says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod, looking out at my old home town.

"Yes. I am" I turn to him. "I miss the kids" he nods.

"We will visit you soon" I smile grateful for that. "You say hello to Cal for us" he adds. I know what he means by it. My dad is fiercely loyal to Cal, and he loves him, especially after all these years, they have bonded. Even my mother. She refuses to listen to my ramblings, and said that Cal knows what he is doing. I need to trust his judgement, just as she trusted my father when he left to go to work in the fields for extra money. Left her with her children, alone. She always knew he knew what was best, even when she cried herself to sleep. I never heard that story, until day 3 when I broke down and my mother told me what I needed to hear. That marriage is hard, but as long as both of us are willing to work for it, that is all that matters. Even after he left for work, and then came home, soon after that he was conscripted. She still had to trust him.

I haven't even heard from Cal, and I miss him. I hope he is ok, and that he is willing to work on us. We have too much to talk about. I just want to get home. I say bye to Dad, giving him a long hug, as the soldiers who are escorting me home take my bags in the vehicle in front of our house. The car is black, high, and has wheels bigger than me. There are another 4 vehicles, two behind and two in front. No doubt Cal's request for extra security since we are travelling during the day and my visit was no secret. My mom comes out, and I hug her long and hard too. It was a much-needed visit, and I missed the simple life.

If Kilorn was here with Maria, I would have said my goodbyes. Same as Bree. But its only my parents. Everyone else scattered and working. I get into the car, waving at my parents and we begin my journey back home.


We arrive at sunset, and I am glad that I am not arriving in the middle of dinner. This means Cal and the kids would be getting ready for dinner, and I just made it. We can eat as a family. The gates open, and I don't miss the extra security posted as we arrive. I make a mental note, but don't begin to worry. Not until we get to the castle entrance. More guards, at least 20, line the front entrance. They are Nortan soldiers, but by their stance, I can tell that there is something wrong. They don't usually guard us this heavily.

I jump out of the car, running towards the front steps. They bow, before resuming their jobs. I rush past, and they don't stop me. I run towards the first rooms I can find. The grand hall empty, Cal's library and office. All empty. I pray that they are all upstairs. I run, taking two steps at a time, before I reach our room. I open the door wide, and I notice the bed is made. The room seems stale, as if no one has been here for days. I call out for the kids, yelling for Cal. I take more steps to the kids rooms a level above ours. I see guards posted near Coriane's door, and I barge in. The relief is there, the moment I see all of them freshly showered.

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