Chapter 22 - I will burn it all down to save her

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Chapter 22

We all head back to the castle, Shade included. Cal said he will set Shade up with a room, but Farley offered hers. I sometimes forget that they were technically a couple. Shade placed his arm around Farley while we walked back, kissed her lips softly, and I saw a moment. I saw the love. Farley couldn't hold in the tears, they streamed down her face all the way back to the castle. It was time for her to break too. Once in a while. Understandable when a psycho maniac has your daughter and your lover came back from the dead. Normal to lose your mind after that.

Cal refused to speak to me on our way back. In fact, everyone ignored me. It was quiet and every time I would try to say something to lighten the mood, either Cal or Kilorn would tell me to stop making jokes. That it wasn't funny. That I never take anything seriously. I tried to tell them that I was, but they kept ignoring me.

When we got back to the castle, Cal went straight to his workroom. I tried to follow, but Cameron pulled me back. Told me to give him time. So I will. Farley and Shade head to her room, no doubt to talk and do whatever it is they need to do. I don't want to know. Its me, Kilorn and Cameron, in my room.

"I have never hated anyone more than I hate him" Kilorn is the first to speak, pure hatred radiating off him. He hasn't sat down since we got here, he just paces the room. I nod. I am unsure what else to say. Maven is pure evil. Always has been and always will be.

"He needs to die. Soon. We need to move the mission up" I shake my head at Cameron. We can't risk it. Gisa and Clara are too important. Its too risky.

"No. We need to do what he says. We need to initiate an exchange, and then after, you guys need to find a way to get me back. Or find a way to kill him" I don't want to say anything else. It's the only way. The only thing that can be done now is to accept, and to find a way out of it. So that the same thing that happened before, doesn't happen. Maybe it will be harder for Maven now, now that Cal is King. Maybe it will be easier to kill him. I try not to think about it, as we all sit in silence, and calculate our next move.



The minute I get back into my workroom, I throw everything around in a fit of rage. The chairs, the clock I restored, everything. I can't hold it in, my hands scorch everything I touch. The thought of Maven having Mare again. What he would do to her. I cant even begin to think about it. What he wants from her makes me sick, and scares me to my core. I cant lose Mare. Not her. Anyone but her. I think of Gisa and Clara though. And I know that there is no way Mare would let anything happen to them. Neither would I. I just need to think of another way. To not have to give her to him.

I cant think straight now though and my body wont stop burning up. I cant control my power when I am angry as ever. 5 days Cal. 5 days to save her. To save Gisa and Clara. I swear to myself that I wont let her go. I will find a way.

Even if I have to give my life for hers. I will. Anything.


Mare POV

The next day starts off chaotic. Kilorn and Cameron wont leave my side. They keep throwing ideas at me, and I keep having to remind them Maven will not accept anything less than me. 4 days left and we need to focus more on the plan after I'm gone. How to kill him. Shade and Farley agree with me, because I am being logical. But they still think maybe we can kill him when we get Gisa and Clara to safety. That maybe I can stay. A trick. I still don't like the risk. I appreciate they all want to save me, but all I want is to save my sister and niece. I don't care about my life anymore. Not when this is all my fault.

We are all sitting around my room when Maria comes in. She has a message from Cal. She says he wants us all to come to the dining hall. He has a plan, and he wants us all there. We all rush, immediately. We are hungry too, so if he is in the dining hall, he probably has food for us.

When we get there, he is seated at the table. So is Evangeline. I do a double take. Cal and Evangeline, together. Not trying to kill eachother. Theresa is not there. Wonder what that is about.

"Take a seat" he says, and we all do. I sit across from Cal. I want to be able to see him and be at a safe distance if I don't like his idea. I can't imagine that going well. There is food too, so we all immediately start stuffing our plates, high.

I grab some fruit, and when I say some I mean a tower on a plate. We never eat fruit. Its expensive. Cal doesn't eat and neither does Evangeline. He just sits, with his hand resting on his chair, under his chin. He leans back and watches me. Staring. He looks pissed. And I know why. Because I am going to give myself up. Nothing can stop me. I eat my grapes and stop, losing my appetite when I see him angry.

"What's your plan?" Farley says, swallowing the last of her pastry. We all need our energy.

"I'll keep it short. Because I already know Mare will say no" I scowl at him, but don't say anything. "We pretend to do the switch, and we give Mare over for a short time. We hide in close proximity, only a few of us and when the girls are safe, we attack. Evangeline has her weapons, Shade can teleport Mare to safety, I will attack my brother and anyone else who gets in my way" Kilorn and Cameron look at each other, and actually look like they agree. Farley and Shade do the same. I do not like this idea however.

"No" I say and Cal already stares me down, his eyes narrowing.

"Why not?" he says.

"Because, he said for me to come alone. And we know Maven will be a step ahead. He will know if you are hidden" I say, looking around at everyone. They don't look impressed with me.

"How will he know?" Cal argues.

"He just will! We can't risk it Cal" I say, getting frustrated.

"What if its just Cal and Shade. What if Shade gets the girls to me, in the distance, and Cal kills Maven. You will help him" Farley chimes in, looking at me.

"I like that idea too" Cal says.

"No. No one comes with me. I get the girls to safety, and I go with him. You find me after" I close myself off to any other suggestions.

"You're wrong Mare" Shade says. "There is another way. We have to be cautious but we cant just give you over" he says. Everyone nods along.

"I just know Maven. I know he will hurt them if we try to trick him. I don't want to risk them both for me" I look at Cal. "My life is not worth theirs. I have lived. They haven't" I look at the rest of them. "No. Its my decision in the end. The note was to me. And I am giving myself up. No plans, and no risk. Just no." I have to show that I am set in my way. They have to listen to me. Cal slams his hand on the table, making everyone jump. He gets up quickly, and places his hands on the table, looking at me square in the eye.

"Why do you always want to be the one risking yourself while we all stand aside and watch!" he yells, the frustration causing him to sound out of breath. "There is another way" he says, through his teeth. Its my turn to stand and yell.

"Because I am the reason all of this has happened!" I yell. Everything coming up to the surface now. "I am the reason my sister was injured, I am the reason you had to kill your father, I am the reason you lost your whole family, I am the reason my family doesn't have a home anymore. I am the reason my brother died. I am the reason Gisa and Clara might die. Its all me! Im done with everyone getting hurt because of me!" I'm speaking fast, tears streaming down my face. "I started this! And I will end it!"

I leave the room, and slam the door as hard as I can. I don't bother looking back when Shade says my name. I'm done risking everyone for my life. Its time to end this. Its time to end it all.

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