Chapter 66 - Another Problem

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Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Gisa, but her attitude towards me, and Caleb has been ice cold. I don't know what I did to deserve that from her. She hasn't been herself, ever since she was taken by Maven and manipulated by Theresa. She has been distant and angry. But I can't make excuses for what she has said. I haven't done anything wrong. I don't see Caleb that way, I see him more as a friend. And a distraction. After everything, it is what I needed.

We all sit down for dinner, and Maria and Kilorn join us tonight.

"How was everyone's day?" my mother asks, looking around the table with a big smile on her face. She serves the mash potato to each of us. This, to her, is the best thing. All of us together. She doesn't see the scowl on Gisa's face, or the side eye I keep throwing her. Bree and Tramy of course are happy. They are already digging into their plates, and nothing seems to phase them. Shade and Farley are here too, happy, smiling at each other as Farley feeds Clara on her high chair.

"My day was great" Bree says. "I met a girl, who is playing hard to get, but I think she likes me" he winks at me, and I can't help but laugh.

"Is she playing hard to get or never going to get her" Tramy slaps the table, laughing loud.

"Ha! Sucked in" he says, as Bree throws him a look. Dad even laughs. Gisa's mouth twitches, but she doesn't give in.

"That's enough" mom says, pointing the mash potato spoon at us. I smirk, and eat the peas on my plate. "Mare" she says, bringing my attention to her. "Are you excited about Cal coming to base" I almost choke on my food.

"Whaa...what?" I look at Farley instantly, because she knows everything and she would have and should have told me. She smiles slightly, an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry, I was going to tell you, but I just didn't have the time today" I hold up my hand.

"Something like that you should have told me the minute you found out" I put down my fork, suddenly not hungry.

"Scared your new boyfriend will find out about your old boyfriend" Bree laughs, trying to make a joke. No one laughs. "It was a joke, sorry" he says putting his hands up in defeat.

"I'm sorry Mare. We told Cal about Maven and Iris, and the Guard thinks it's a good idea to send him in aswell. He is strong Mare, and we need him to succeed. If all goes wrong, the Silver Elite will choose Cal over Maven and Iris. He is our last hope incase the masquerade ball goes well and they actually recruit" she is rambling, but I stand up, pushing my chair back.

"I wanted him out of this. I want him safe. And you go ahead and make a decision without even consulting me" Im pissed now.

"No offense Mare, but you don't get to decide these sorts of things. This isn't your war. You aren't the leader of it". My heart pounds. I push away from the table, needing to leave this room. "He arrives tomorrow morning Mare. So get over it by then. We have work to do!" she calls out after me. I hear my mother upset and telling Farley not to argue with me. I hear Shade defend Farley. I leave the room, the house. Just needing to get away.


Cameron POV

Its morning time, and when I head over to the Barrow household, I can feel the tension the minute I walk through the door. Mare is sitting on her own, twirling a knife in her hand. She is looking at the wall, a pissed off look on her face. Mr and Mrs Barrow keep throwing each other looks, and Bree and Tramy are quiet for once. Gisa is nowhere to be seen, and Shade and Farley I am guessing are with the generals. As usual. Maria told me it would be best to stay away from their family today, but didn't tell me the specifics. I walk over to Mare.

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