switched back(short story)

116 6 16

At elementia BBB P.O.V.

The castle was really a sight to see. I can't beleive I used to live  here. I wonder how's our parents. They is slight possibility that they are dea.. No. Don't think that, they are still alive. My thoughts were interupted by Melissa.

'You ok?"

"I'm fine"

We kept on walking in the castle until Ash said to wait. He entered the room and signaled us to come in. I was confused why would he be so cautious. I mean this place has been abandoned for years.

"Be careful''

We walked carefully till we saw an..........
Abanadoned workshop???
It looks more like a lab with lots of potions or whatever they are.

This is what the "workshop" looks like.

This is what the "workshop" looks like

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We wondered across the place.
Yaya and Ying were reading some books. Fang and Gopal just walked around. Kc, Precious and Ash were finding some stuff. And Melissa and me where enjoying the view in the balcony.

"So this is my home."

"Do you have any memory of it before this?"

"No, not really"

"Oh, ok. What about your parents?"

"I don't know?"

"I never met them or had any memory of them."

Our little chat was interuppted by Precious's happy scream.

"We did it!!!"

"Did what?"

"We made a potion that can switch us back."

"Huh, really!?"

"Yeah, check it out''

3rd person P.O.V.

So all of them went to Ash's direction. They saw them with a cauldron. Inside it was purple liquid.

"We should drink this"

"Is it safe?"



They got cups.(or whatever they can find to hold the liquid) They filled the cups with the purple liquid.

"One, Two, Three"

At the sound of three they drank their drinks. They felt a weird pain and before they know it they lost consiousness.


They woke up feeling a little weak. And they realised it.

They were back in their bodies! They cheered and BBB finished it with his

"Awesome" catchphrase and a thumbs up.

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