"who is this Aditya? "

" Hey.. That's Renu.. hm...this was taken during one of our vacations"

" Renu...? Oh my god.. She changed a lot.. "Vaidhehi said and turned to next

 "Vaidhehi said and turned to next

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"That's me..this Was taken...when I was in 10th" he smiled. She moved to next pic.

 She moved to next pic

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"Siya.. "Aditya said and sighed. Vaidhehis smile disappeared. She looked at him.

"she was too naughty.. but she was brilliant in studies. Every time we meet she had a lot to share. "He said

"she loved you"she said sadly. He held her hand's and looked at her..

"Vaidhu. I never thought that she would love me. I treated her like my own sister"he said and she nodded even though she was feeling bad. He sensed it.

" see the next pic Vaidhu.."he said and she did

She looked at him wide Eyed

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She looked at him wide Eyed

"He he...that was me during college days"he said and she smiled.  She turned to the next

When Love reaches You ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora