Chapter 18

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After Ashley left everything remain calm in the pack. Well, that they knew of. I, on the other hand, was freaking the fuck out.

Over the past few days the stupid rogue alpha has kept sending more and more messages. Pictures of me, me and Liam, me and Lydia, I think you get it. Basically, I am freaking out, and Liam has turned ultra possessive. If you thought a normal Alpha male was protective of their mate, how about one whos mate has a stalker who also happens to be their ex captor/torturer. Yeahhh...

Don't get me wrong, I sound super chill about it right now, but earlier I was freaking out. it didn't help that this was the one time this week that Liam wasn't around..

Earlier that day

I throw the package of pictures across the room, narrowly missing a few pack members as they duck out of the way. I storm up to my office and slam the door closed. I was shocked at first, but now I'm angry.

How dare he. He ruined my life for six years. SIX YEARS. And now he wants to come back? Not only that, but he and his MONSTOROUS rogues KILLED my entire family. I have nobody because of them...why cant he just leave me alone. 

At this point I'm throwing everything in sight, lamps, files, a stapler through a window...

This continues for the next few minutes, and when I finally pause to look at the damage I've done, its horrible. The desk is flipped across the room, glass is everywhere from the vase and picture frames that got hit what who knows what. Papers are thrown everywhere, windows are broken. A mess. Just like my life.

By the time Lydia manages to break through the office door as she's been trying to for the last 15 minutes, I'm a sobbing mess on the floor at the center of it all. 

"It's all my fault." I sob. "Everything. My family's death, the death of our pack members that he killed. All of it. Why? Why is he doing this to me?" I ask her, knowing that she won't have an answer. 

And she doesn't. But she doesn't need one. Right now, all she needs is to give me comfort, which she does amazingly. 

"Babes, none of this is your fault. None. He is a psycho who for some reason is obsessed with you. We will find out why, but I don't even need that answer to know that its not your fault. we wont let him get away this time, and he will never get to you again. We all love you, don't ever forget that."

I just continue to sob into her shoulder, wanting with all my heart to believe her. But I can't. how can I? All the facts point to me being the blame for all of this. 

I don't remember how, but at some point I find myself in my bedroom. Curled up in my blanket I can't help but to feel more alone than ever. It's as though my mind is collapsing onto itself. I just cant escapes the sadness, the guilt.

That is, until I feel the familiar warmth wrap itself around me. A hard yet gentle body lifts me up and places me down in its lap. Nothing is said, but the love of my mate helps heal my saddened soul as I lay with my head against his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat calms me down, letting me know that I'm not alone, I'm never alone as long as I have him in my life. 


That was a couple of hours ago I think. I don't really know because me and Liam haven't moved from our position. We started talking, though. At first it was just as an ice breaker, lighten up the moods a little. We were getting to know each other, as mates should. Even after 20 years you can always learn something new about your partner, but we weren't there yet so its definitely important.

But it has turned into an all-out war.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? How could you NOT like pickles?" I look at him in disbelief.

"How could you! They look just like slimy nasty little alligator dicks!"

"OMG! You did not just say that! No. Not acceptable. This is not how this ends mister! You will like pickles before I'm done with you!"

"Well too bad because you're stuck with me. But don't worry, I still love you even if you do like the slimy little alligator dicks."

"Babe you NEED to stop saying that! Ughhh gross" He just starts laughing obnoxiously loud. He just thinks he's hilarious. 

Ugh. I mean, even though this is truly a shameful little part of him, like who doesn't like pickles, I'll keep him. He did manage to cheer me up after all. 

"You're such a weirdo. Aren't you supposed to be some big bad, scary Alpha?" I ask him.

"Nahh only around other pack and rogues. Any other time I just get to be your weirdo that you love SOOO much!" he says and plants a sloppy kiss to my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah I guess I do.."


Authors note

Someone said that to me about pickles lol! I just had to add that in! I hoped you like the chapter! Let me know what you think with comments and votes!

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