Chapter 6

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Lydia's POV

I push my best friend and Alpha into the bathroom knowing that if I don't make her take care of herself she never will. I sit back on her bed and scroll through my phone, waiting.

After about 5 minutes I hear Ember start to scream. She sounds like she's in pain. I run over and bang on the door,

"Ember! Ember let me in! What's happening?!"
She doesn't answer, just keeps screaming. So I do what any good Beta and friend would do and I kick in the door. I see Ember on the ground crawling away from the shower, and then she passes out.

All of the screaming attracted the attention of other people in the pack house, including Liam's men.

I quickly grab the towel hanging from the door and wrap I around her so that nobody can see my friend lying naked on the floor.

"Help me get her up," I yell at one of the men standing in her room.

We carry her over and lay her on the bed. Her back is burned to the bone and covered in blood. It's not healing like a normal wound would. The acid like wound looks like the effects of wolfsbane, but since it's not healing I'm assuming that silver is also involved somehow.

One of Liam's men comes over to me saying, "Our Alpha just got here. We told him about the killings so he was already in his way"

Just then Liam burst through the door and runs over to Ember. His warrior grabs my arm to pull me out of the way and I feel tingles and a bolt of energy go through me.

"Mate." I say, "Damn it. Worst timing ever! As much as I love to talk about it right now my best friend and Alpha is injured so we'll have to talk later."

My mate looks extremely happy despite the situation and nods in agreement with me.

I go back into the bathroom to grab Embers clothes from the ground, and when I look into the mirror I see a note written in lipstick on it.

You know my face, so I thought I'd try to ruin yours. I've found you again, my sweetling, and I'm not letting you live this time.

How did we not see this earlier?! This has to be from the rogues that kept her, tortured her, for all those years. My poor Ember, nobody knows about her past besides me, but I feel like that is about to change. I remember the day that she finally trusted me enough to talk about it,


I'm running away from the other pack members, laughing my ass off. I put a ghost pepper in their lunch as revenge for them throwing me in the pool yesterday.

Before I realize what I'm doing I've ran into the Alphas room without knocking. I can't wait to tell her about the prank,

"OMGosh you should have seen their faces—"

I stop talking when I see that I had run in here while she was getting dressed after a shower. But it wasn't my Alphas half nakedness that shocked me, it was all of the scars that swallowed her body. The ragged, raised edges of them all cover her, from head to toe. Of course we've seen some of them, the ones on her forearms and stuff, but we just assumed that they're from battle. This isn't from battle, this was done deliberately, and it took a lot of time.

My hand reaches up I cover my mouth and I realize that started crying at some point while taking in the sight of my best friend. Without saying a word she continues to get dressed and then pulls me over to sit on her bed.

"What happened to you?" I ask

She sighs, "when I was twelve a group of rogues came to my home and killed my family. I was in the woods when they came and ran home when i heard their screams. I saw my family ripped to shreds," a tear runs down her face and she quickly wipes it away and continues on, 

"I ran away but I hadn't shifted yet so I was slow. The rogues caught be and took me captive. They were one of the rare groups of rogues that formed their own pack. For six years every member of the pack took turns torturing me. Having their fun, as they liked to put it. The worst one was their leader. He came once a week, hurt me. He called me his Sweetling."

She stops talking and takes a deep breath. I don't think she's ever told this to anybody before. I give her a hug and say,

"Thank you for telling me. You can trust me, and I won't tell anybody I promise"

She hugs me back. I think this is just what our Alpha needed, a best friend that she could trust with her secrets.


From that day on me and her were inseparable. She would come to me whenever she needed to talk, and would listen to me whenever I had a problem. She made me her Beta because I was one of few people that she trusted fully. And the fact that she trained me to be a badass fighter.

Seeing her laying on her bed injured and in pain is killing me. These monsters need to pay for what they've done. They won't get away with this again.

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