Chapter 2

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After escaping my cage I realize for the first time in all my years here that I'm in a dungeon of sorts. I climb the stairs to the top and see that it's more like an underground apocalypse room.

I see that a house sits abound the dungeon, and it's a farmhouse. A barn is next to the house and we're surrounded but miles of nothingness. My newly heightened senses let me hear that people are running towards each even before I see them. Five of my captors stand before me with guns and knives at the ready.

This is going to be fun, says my wolf Silvia. I let her take full control over us, trusting her to rip these guys to shreds in such a way that I know that I can't do. It's more natural for her. Me? I still don't know how exactly the whole wolf-half works seeing as how most wolves have help and support through the process of the first change and I'm here all alone.

But never mind my pity party. Silvia waits for the men to attack first, and then she makes her move. As one guys swings his arm out hoping to cut me with his knife, I bite him with my huge teeth and yank him to the ground. He is dead within seconds. Pretty much the same happens for the rest for them, they make sloppy jabs or badly aimed shots towards me and I take them down one by one.

I've never felt this much power in my life. Maybe now I won't live in fear and pain.

The last man stand in front of me with fear in his eyes. All of a sudden a rush of emotions and thoughts burst into my brain, and I realize that they're all his. I can read his mind. I look in his brain at his memories and see a time of him coming into my cage. His laughing as he whips my back, I feel the enjoyment that he got out of torturing me.

Though in the moment I didn't think about it, somewhere in my mind recognizes that only an Alpha can read the minds of those not in their pack.

I take control back from Silvia and lunge at the man. He tries to shift and fight me but I'm quicker. I take him by the throat and push him into the ground. I release my jaw, step on his chest and look him in the eye, hoping to see any sign of regret for what he's done. When I find none I rip out his jugular with my teeth and run away.

I'm free.

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