Chapter 7

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"What is it?" Dean asked, noticing your paling face. You held up the paper with fearful eyes, allowing Dean to read the words that were currently running through your mind on a loop. Four words that had your heart racing and fear coursing through your veins.

I've found you, Y/N/N.

Chills ran up and down your spine at the four letters scrawled on the little paper. Dean clenched his jaw, his eyes going dark. He shoved the note into his pocket and peeled out of the parking lot, speeding down the road back to the motel.

You had a pretty good idea as to who it was. You had stayed hidden from him for a long time. A few sigil tattoos and hex bags left you golden. But it seemed he had broken through some. Even the tiniest crack can allow him to see through and find you.

You'd give anything to run him through with the demon blade. The taste of revenge had been on the tip of your tongue multiple times, before you found out it took more than the demon blade to kill him.

Aamon was an incredibly strong and dangerous demon. He had killed your family... looking for you. The reason for that was yet to be determined, but his mind was set on spilling your blood. He had killed your mother, father and siblings and then killed Carter, trying his damndest to get to you.

You had hidden yourself away from him, knowing that if he found you, you'd be dead within a few days. You had no clue how to kill him and you knew that if you came face to face with him, you were done for.

Dean threw the car into park and shot out of the car. He came around to your side and grabbed your hand, wrapping an arm around you protectively. His eyes darted around the lot as he rushed you to the room, his other hand on his blade.

He banged on the door a few times and Sam opened it.

"Hey, what's-" Sam began but was quickly cut off by his brother.

"Salt the doors and windows," He demanded. Sam was about to open his mouth to question it but Dean held up a hand. "Now!"

Sam grabbed the salt from his bag and began doing what Dean asked of him. You sat down on the bed and held your head in your hands. How did he find you? Your tattoos were all in tact and you had a tiny hex bag necklace for christ's sake.

"What the hell happened?" Bobby asked. Sam set down the salt when he was done and sat beside you, placing a hand on your bouncing knee.

"This happened," Dean growled taking the note out of his pocket and handing it to him. Bobby read it, his face changing from confused to furious.

"Aamon," He said turning to you. You took a deep breath and nodded.

"Who else would it be?" You murmured. Bobby took off his hat and rubbed his forehead. He began to pace back and forth in front of you, putting his hat back on his head and crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry, who?" Dean asked.

"How'd he find you?" Bobby pondered, ignoring Dean's question.

"I don't know. My tattoos are all fine and I still wear my hex bag," You said.

"We need to leave," Bobby said. "Pack your bags. We leave back to my house in ten."

"Can someone please explain to me who Aamon is?" Dean announced.

"He's a demon," Bobby answered. "An incredibly powerful demon. Your demon blade merely slowed him down when we stabbed him with it six months ago." Dean's expression was horror stricken. Sam's hand tightened on your knee and you leaned into him for support, missing the look Dean gave the two of you. "He killed Y/N's family."

The Hunter Diaries // Dean Winchester x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora