Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Today was no different than yesterday. The same trees outside my window and the same cloud over my head. With Carter's death hanging over me, I can't help but feel worthless. It was my fault, no matter what dad says. I should have been there for her but I wasn't. Now she's dead because of me.

Your eyes began to tear at the thought of your best friend's death. It's been a week since you watched the flames engulf her pixie like body, and everyday you felt even worse, everyday another bottle or two of whisky stashed underneath your bed to hide them from your dad. He repeatedly told you it wasn't your fault. But how were you supposed to believe that when she was killed by the demon who killed your biological parents, the demon who'd been tracking you for the last twenty-one years.

You slammed the leather bound diary closed and tossed it onto your bedside table. You were currently propped up against the headboard of your bed, staring outside into the cloudy day. You hadn't left your bedroom for much, only to use the bathroom and get more booze. You hadn't eaten in the last two and a half days and your stomach growled violently.

The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted up from the kitchen and you sighed. He never cooked. He was doing this for you.

You rolled out of bed and padded over to your door, opening it and stepping out into the hall, the smell even more prominent. You made your way down stairs and into the kitchen where your adoptive father, Bobby Singer, was at the stove flipping pancakes.

"Dad?" You rasped. Your throat was dry and your voice was hoarse due to lack of use over the past week. Bobby turned to look at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Hey, birdy," He said. You smiled slightly when he called you by your nickname and went over to the small table. He brought a plate over to you and set it down in front of you. "It's nice to see you up and around."

"Yeah," You mumbled. You took a bite of the fluffy pancake on your plate and moaned at the taste. Bobby chuckled and made his way back to the stove. He soon joined you and the two of you ate in a comfortable silence, the only sound the low hum of the rain pelting the world outside.

"So," Bobby said clearing his throat. You looked up from your plate and raised an eyebrow. "The boys are coming over. They'll be staying with us for awhile."

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. That's alright with you?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah! Totally. I haven't seen them in forever." You smiled. You hadn't seen your best friends in over a year. Whenever they'd drop by, you'd always end up being on a hunt with Carter. But you were finally going to see them. See him. Your heart swelled at the thought of the green eyed hunter and you found yourself genuinely smiling while you ate.

After breakfast, you went upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready for the day. You weren't planning on going anywhere but the brothers would be at the house in a little less than two hours.

You washed and conditioned your hair, scrubbed your skin until it was pink and smelled of your lavender soap and shaved your legs. You stayed in the shower for longer than you needed to, allowing the scalding water to run over your muscles and loosen the tense knots.

It felt good, to actually look forward to something after a week of moping around. You were usually the smiling, kind hearted person in the house. The one who could cheer someone up with a single smile or make someone smile when you laughed. You automatically lit up the room with your personality, a trait Carter loved in you. But you hadn't been that person lately.

You stepped out of the spray once it turned cold and wrapped yourself in a towel. Slipping back into your room across the hall from the bathroom, you flipped on the radio and began getting dressed into yourfor the day.

The Hunter Diaries // Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now