Chapter 11

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Aamon was restless. The moon was to rise in a little less than two hours, which means that the ritual had to be prepped and ready to go by then.

It had been nearly a week and a half since he had taken you from your home. A week and a half of hearing your sarcastic and smart-ass remarks. He couldn't hurt you, for he needed you for the ritual, so he simply ignored you. He brought you food that you left untouched for nearly five days before you got so hungry, you scarfed down anything you could. He locked you in a room, but it was suited to your comforts. A large canopy bed sat against one of the walls, a large bathroom with a jet tub was off to the right and the room was lit during the day by windows making up two of the walls, overlooking a deep valley of lush, green, snow topped trees and tall grasses. Blue mountains sat far in the distance, the sun waking you each morning by peeking over them, spreading its rose tipped fingers across the land and into the valley below. A tall bookshelf inhabited much of the east wall of the room by the locked door, full of various genres and languages, all ranging from different time periods. They were your only form of entertainment in your confinement to the room and you had already read close to a third of them.

A knock sounded on your door and you lept off your bed, standing straight and tall as Aamon walked in, his jet black hair moving like waves down his back and around his shoulders as he walked. "Hello, love."

"Come to kill me yet?" You asked. He sighed, shaking his head.

"You ask me that everyday, yet the answer is all the same," He said. "'Not quite, but you just wait'. But, unfortunately for you, today is the day." He smiled at you and held out his hand. You eyed it suspiciously, taking a small step forward.

Just as you had planned for the last week and a half, you brought the jagged piece of metal you had broken off your bed and jabbed it into his neck, pushing him down and sprinting from the room. He let out a growl of rage, a crimson fountain spouting from the side of his neck from where he pulled the metal from his flesh.

"You won't get far, Y/N/!" He yelled. You panted as you sprinted down the twisting hallways, turning into corridor after corridor, desperately searching for a way out. You seemed to be in a castle almost, the walls cobblestone, torches lighting the your way.

A large wood door sat at the end of the hall and you sprinted as fast as you could, pumping your arms and breathing heavily as you ran. You smashed into it, pulling on the handle.

"Come on!" You yanked at the locked door as hard as you could, glancing behind your shoulder. Your impending doom was almost set in stone and your heart raced in your chest at the mere thought of it. You gave yourself up, yes, but the thought of you dying in merely two hours set fear deep within you. You weren't ready to die, not without seeing Dean one last time.

Your thoughts were cut short when a hand tangled itself in your hair, yanking your head back, your throat exposed to the monster above you.

Aamon's eyes burned like embers, his lips curling back over his teeth, multiple sets of dagger sharp canines breaking through his gums. Your eyes widened as you watched the new teeth peek through.

He bent down, latching his teeth into your flesh. You screamed at the searing pain, your skin breaking easily, your blood flowing hot into his awaiting mouth. He drank deeply before lapping at his fresh bite, throwing you to the ground. You brought your hand up and pressed it against your neck, backing up down the hall and away from him. He brought his hand up and wiped his mouth, smearing your blood across his lips and staining his ashen skin.

"Holy... Shit..." You croaked. He smiled down at you, his fangs retracting back into his gums.

"I'm anything but holy, love," He said. He gripped your hair and tugged you up. You groaned and hit at his chest, but he only chuckled. "I didn't want to hurt you, Y/N, but you left me no choice. You disobeyed, which means you needed to be punished."

"You're... A demon-vampire? How the fuck?"

"We need to work on your language. I don't want you using the last hours of your life letting filthy words spew from that beautiful mouth." He smirked down at you as he dragged you down the hall, his hand tightly gripping your hair.

"This may work," Bobby said. "But I've never done it before."

"Just do it," Dean snapped, his pacing beginning to annoy Sam. Bobby sighed and set the large spell book on his desk, flitting about the room gathering ingredients.

"You should have called your angel friend," Bobby grumbled.

"You don't think I've tried?" Dean hissed. "I screamed myself hoarse in the junkyard. The junkless bastard won't get down here."

"Excellent." Bobby replied dryly. He placed his bowl in the center of the desk and layed the ingredients out. His stomach was clenched tightly with anxiety and he had to resist the urge to drink himself to a stupor. You were the apple of his eye, the only reason he hadn't committed suicide years ago. He loved you with every inch of his being. You may not have been his biologically, but you were his daughter, the only thing keeping him sane. The only thing that brought him happiness and love.

He carefully measured each needed ingredient and poured them in carefully. It had taken him the whole week you had been gone to find a spell that had at least a fifty percent chance of working. Keeping his fingers crossed, he grabbed the map, pouring the potion over the parchment. Taking a match, he lit it, dropping it onto the corner. The map burst into flames, the orange blaze going around the edge of the map.

"Inveniet eam," Bobby said. The flames roared, raising high and tall. The old hunter cringed from the heat, watching the map burn and flake away, leaving a small circle of wrinkled parchment. He glanced up at the boys before looking down at it.

"She's in the state, somewhere in the Black Hills."

"The mountains?" Sam asked.


Dean jumped up, automatically grabbing the small piece of map and heading towards the door. "Let's find her. Let's find my Y/N."

"So I know what you are now," You said. You sat in a metal chair, your hands cuffed to the arm rests and your ankles bound to the legs. Aamon stood a few yards from you, preparing for the spell. "You mind letting me know where I come in to all this?

Aamon sighed, his blue eyes flicking up to you. "If I must," He muttered. "As you know now, I'm half vampire, half demon. A 'Sato daevam' if you please. We're an incredibly rare species. I'm the only living one at the moment. But you... You are the key to unlocking my true potential."

"How?" You asked shaking your head. "How can I possibly be the key."

"The spell requires harvested angelic grace from an indirect source. One of many ingredients of the spell. You, my dear, have that. Have you ever wondered how you heal slightly faster than other people? How you have this... Spiritual feeling? How you make everyone around you happier? You've got angel grace in you, love. And I need it."

"What will the spell unlock?" You murmured.

"Excellent question, my dear. As of now, I cannot create new Sato daevams. I can't drink the copious amounts of blood I always crave, for the vampire part of me is still partly human, and I'll get sick. That being said, the part of the vampire that is still human doesn't have full power. I'm not as strong, I can be killed. But once I cast the spell... Oh, Y/N, you won't believe what I'll be capable of. I'll be unstoppable. And once I become at full power and the spell is completed, one of the seals will be broken, inevitably taking us one step closer to freeing our rightful king."

"Lucifer," You breathed. Your heart clenched, tears welling in your eyes. Not only will you break a seal, you'll be the key to unleashing an immortal creature into the world. One that will no doubt rein absolute terror on the world. And you'll be at fault for it.

"So," Aamon said, holding up a silver tipped knife, the moonlight gleaming through the skylight, shining perfectly on the silvery blade. "What do you say we get started?"

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