Chapter 32

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(Abby's P.O.V)
I slowly sat up getting out of bed. Pain shot through my leg and I hissed
Every step shooting pains fly through my leg and body.
I limped my way to the bathroom anyways finally making it.
I sat down crying slightly at the amount of pain I was in.
I covered my newly formed bruise. Again.
Then limped my way to the stairs.
You need help? Josh asked coming up behind me.
P-please. I stuttered out
He picked me up gently carrying me down the steps.
He put me down on the couch.
I'll go get you some water. He said walking into the kitchen.
Thank you I smiled
I looked around the room that I laid in alone.
How are you feeling Abby?
I jumped whipping my head around
What's wrong? Harry asked
G-get away from me. I said standing up slowly
What's wrong Abby? He asked stepping closer to me.
I screamed falling back as he did so
Harry's face twisting in confusing
Zoe ran in getting in front of Abby barking at harry.
Zoe. Gentle. Harry said getting Zoe to stand down
Abby. I don't know- he said stepping closer again
Everyone else came in trying to figure out what was wrong
Zoe. Stance. I whispered as Zoe stood back in front of Abby.
Harry stepped back.
Zoe growling at him
Zoe. No. Harry said trying to step closer again
Protect. Abby said looking harry straight in the eyes.
Zoe jumped up at Harry's face snarling and growing pushing him back.
Abby backing up until her back hit the wall.
Harry shout as Zoe's jaw gripped Harry's hand.
Everyone started shouting Liam grabbing Zoe by the collar pulling her back.
Niall pushing harry out the back door getting him away.
Abby had tears streaming down her face.

(Harry's P.O.V)
I don't Understand, Liam. I said as Liam wrapped my hand up
I guess you scared, harry. Liam sighed
But I don't know how. I didn't do anything. All I did was ask if she was ok. He cried
I know harry. I don't what's wrong. Do you want me to try and talk to her? Liam asked
Please. I whispered looking down

(Liam's P.O.V)
I walked inside after wrapping Harry's hand up to stop the bleeding. Luckily for him it wasn't deep enough where he needed stitches.
I walked upstairs going to Abby's room knocking
Come it. In she said
I walked in sitting at her desk chair.
What happened down there? I asked
Harry Happened. She hissed
What did he do though? I asked
You know exactly what he did Liam. She yelled causing Zoe to bark
She pet her head getting her to calm down
Abby. Harry didn't do anything. I continued
Yes he did Liam. He did everything. Abby cried
Just leave. She continued.
I sighed walking out and going back down stairs.

(Louis P.O.V)
I have no idea what the heck has happened this morning.
I don't know what harry did to Abby to make her act that way. Is she back to them "Harry punched me thing" because we've already explained that it was a accident.
I was pulled out of my thoughts as josh walked in holding Abby.
Abby and I are going to watch a movie. If you wanna join. Josh said setting Abby down on the couch.
Sure and yeas filled the room as josh pulled movies out showing Abby waiting for her to pick one.
That one! Abby shrieked excitedly as he pulled out the live action of beauty and the beats.
But we watched it like 10 times already josh whined.
I don't care. I wanna watch it again. Abby sassed
Alright fine. He smiled putting it in.

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