Chapter 24

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"Note to self:
Stop expecting."
Abby's P.O.V)
As I fell everything was a blur.
I saw someone running towards me.
I heard screams.
Sirens blaring in my ears.
Lights flashing in front of me.
Someone I didn't recognize In front of me talking.
Doors slamming.
Something placed on my face.
And that's all I remember.

(Harrys P.O.V)
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
So many questions running through my brain
After She left with the paramedics
I stood there. Staring at my hands. There covered in blood.
The floor smeared with red liquid.
My shirt stained.
Stunned I slowly turned around as I hand made its way to my shoulder.
Sam standing there.
Eyes frightened.
Terrified and mortified with what she just watched happen.
I stared at Sam watching her lips move. But I couldn't hear what she was saying.
I took off running. I didn't care that I was covered in blood.
I hopped in a car and drove.
Leaving everyone behind.
(Sam's P.O.V)
I walked aver to Harry putting my hand on his shoulder.
He was covered in blood from trying to stop the bleeding.
He turned around looking at me.
We have to go. Josh went with her in the ambulance. I said
But he took of running. Hoped in the car and drove away.
Leaving me and everyone else behind.
Louis screamed his name. He's in no condition to drive. But he did anyways.
As Harry drove out of sight Louis hopped inn the last car.
The rest of us hoping in. It was too small but we squeezed.
The way there was silent.
As we walked in we found Harry sitting there. Face in hands.
(No ones P.O.V)
Harry. What's wrong. Liam asked walking over and sitting down next to him
Ok. Alright. I'm sorry. It will be alright. Liam sighed
Harry sighed sitting down.
Josh walked out also covered in blood into the waiting room and over to everyone. Soon followed by Jamie
How is she? Niall asked
I'm not really sure. I watched from a window. I wasn't aloud in. He mumbled
Everyone sat down waiting impatiently. Neil finally a doctor walked out.
Abby? He called
We all stood up and he walked over.
Follow me. He said.
We started walking taking several turns. Jumping out of the way of other doctors running down the hall.
Luckily the knife didn't hit any organs. We have got the bleeding to stop and are getting ready to put stitches in. We gave her some pain medicine but... She didnt react well-
As you can see. He continued.
We walked in immediately ducking as a metal tray coming no flying at us.
Nurses ran around the ran.
Abby screaming and throwing things.
We gave her the pain medicine and she started yelling and throwing things. He yelled over Abby's screaming.
YOU IDIOT. Abby yelled as a nurse came running over to us and out the door.
YOU BETTER RU- HARRY! Abby yelled noticing us standing there.
Abby... What happened. Harry asked standing up from his position of ducking from flying trays.
Abby's face formed from excited back to angry.
I DONT KNOW THEY WONT FREAKING TELL ME. She screamed going to throw something again.
WOAH WOAH. Harry yelled grabbing Abby's wrist
Let's not throw. Calm down. Harry soothed taking the injection from Abby's hands
You can seriously hurt someone with this. He said putting it down on a tray.
Harry has some trance or something on Abby here. The doctor said looking at us.
Abby laid there staring at Harry quieting down.
There you go. Harry smiled putting Abby's hand down.
Now. What happened? Harry asked looking at Abby and the doctor.
Well. Abby asked what happened and as we went to tell her she started screaming and throwing things. He said
Harry looked at Abby.
That's not true. Abby snapped
Then what happened? Dia asked
I asked what happened and they looked at me like I was crazy and didn't answer. you... Started throwing things? Harry asked
...yes. Obviously. Were you not here. Abby snapped
We were going to tell you. But you freaked out. The doctor said
NO YOU...oh. Abby sighed
Anyways. Jamie stabbed you. Dana said
WHAT? Abby yelled
On accident. I was chopping carrots for Louis here and I was talking to him not paying attention moving my hands around as o talked and Abby walked over and the nice went Jamie explained "I'm sorry"
You..stabbed me. Abby said
Yes. And I'm sorry. Jamie said again
You...stabbed ME. Abby mumbled
Okay. Hey. It wasn't on purpose. She'll make it up to you. Harry said grabbing his hand as she tried to stab a injection into Jamie's hand.
What did you give her. Zayn mumbled
I.. Don't know. Maybe we should put her to sleep. He said walking ver and grabbing a needle from the cabinet. Filling the tube up with liquid.
He slowly walked over. Harry grabbed Abby's hand.
Hey. look at me. Harry said
Abby looked at Harry.
Hi Harry! Abby smiled grabbing him and hugging him. I Missed you. She asquealed
I missed you too. Harry said confused
Ow. Abby mumbled looking over at the needle sitting in her arm.
Did you just..... Give me something to sleep? Abby said getting angry again but soon falling sleepy.
Harry. I have to tell you something. About what I really wanted to tell you in the car. Abby mumbled closing her eyes.
What is it? Harry asked.
But Abby was already asleep

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