Chapter 27

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"Nobody understands."
(Harrys P.O.V)
When we got home I when straight upstairs.walking passed everyone. Not saying a word.
Abby walked in slowly behind me crying.
I went to the bathroom getting a hot shower. Still not believing what Abby told me. Why didn't she tell me? Or anyone for that matter.
I washed my hair planting a small smile to my lips. She's remembering. I thought. I wonder what she remembers. And when she started remembering. I soon frowned as I remember her saying that she didn't tell me because she thought I would be mad. Why would I be mad?

(Abby's P.O.V)
I walked in behind Harry slowly. Tears running down my face.
I told him. He seems mad. I was right. He's mad at me. I shouldn't of let it slip through my mouth. What's wrong with me. Stupid me.
I when to my room. More heavier tears blurring my vision.
I slammed in to something falling. I quickly wiped my eyes looking up.
I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Harry asked looking down at me and bringing his hand out.
Please don't. I said scooting back and getting up running passed him and to my room.

(Sam's P.O.V)
Harry walked in looking... Confused.
Abby walked in crying.
Josh walked in looking very frustrated and flustered.
What happened? Was the only thing. I could say.
No one answered Harry walked upstairs. Abby following not to long after. Josh plopped on the couch.
I glanced at Niall who just shrugged taking a sip of his water awkwardly.
I stood there trying to process what was happening.
I turned around making my way upstairs.
Seeing Abby run into Harry.
I heard Harry asking if she was okay and going to help her up.
Abby whispering scooting back then getting up and running around Harry.
What did you do? I asked walking over.
I... Don't know. He said scratching his head.
You should try taking to her. A little later. I shrugged walking away.

(Harrys P.O.V)
Why did she react that way.
Did she think I was going to hit her.
She's never been scared that I would hit her except when I accidentally punched her because Josh ducked.
But I thought we moved passed that....?
I guess not....

(Abby's P.O.V)
I don't know what to do or what I'm feeling.
I'm so confused.
I don't know what I want
This feeling isn't new.
I've been pacing and crying. For three days.
It's been three days since the doctor visit.
Everything is really awkward.
I haven't said a word since.
I've hardly left my room.
I left to get food every now and then.... Yesterday I left to get an apple. That's all I've eaten in three days.
Everyone seems upset.
Maybe I should leave.
A knock at my door pulled me away from that thought.
Abby?? Do you want something to eat?
By the voice I'm pretty sure it's Liam.
I don't answer.
I hear some whispers then I different voice.
Abby? I don't know what happened three days ago. But I miss you.
It's Louis b-
I didn't let him finish I ran to the door throwing it open and myself into his arms.
He seemed taken back.
He hugged me back
. And I hugged him tighter.
I hugged him like I would never see him again.
Which I guess is true.
tonight I'm leaving....

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