Chapter 6

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Mom's POV

"Where are they?" I couldn't find the alcohol anywhere. The stupid old man must have taken them and hid them. Of course he did. 

I checked in the cabinet again as if they would magically appear. "Shit!" My head was hurting and I just couldn't stop thinking about drinking. If I did, I'd have to think about Harry and thinking about Harry only made me want to drink.

I slumped down into the couch and just began to cry. Really hard. My heart was beating fast and I was so nauseous. I wiped my eyes and touched around my damp face. 'Maybe I did need help. For goodness sake it is three in the morning and I'm crying because I can't find some alcohol!'

'When did I become so pathetic? Why did I become so pitiful? It was nothing like this when Harry was still around. Yes, Harry. That good for nothing son of a bitch!'

'But he made me so happy. He loved me and I loved him. We were such a family filled with so much love. Yeah, I had a drinking problem but that didn't mean that it was okay to cheat on me. Nonetheless in my own house and on our bed'. 

'Yeah, so maybe it is all my fault. I was always so violent and mean when I was hungover but he had to know I loved him. Maybe he forgot that it was the alcohol talking. Not me. Maybe I should finally answer his calls. Maybe I should call him'. 

'I'm not thinking straight. I should just go back to sleep and then I'll wake up, get dressed, and go see him'. I smiled. Maybe I was getting better. I put my head down on the couch and slept. This was the first time in a long time that I had fallen asleep sober.

>This one was really short, but Hey guys! I haven't written in a long time and I'm sorry. I'll try to do better<

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