Chapter 4

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Thanks guys for reading!

I didn't even need to ask Grandad or Mom if they had planted the photo on my bed or if they had had the desire to clean my room because I knew for sure that it wasn't them. Grandad was too old and Mom, too drunk. 

But what sent shivers down my spine was the ghostly message on the back of the picture that I had found on my bed. Because I knew that if it wasn't Grandad or Mom that had placed it there, then that meant that there was someone watching me and that someone had access to my room.

I raised the photo to my face again, this time staring at the two people holding hands. It looked a little washed out and to be honest it was too blurry for me to see their facial features clearly. But their bracelets were identical and it seemed as if they were the center of attention in the photo. Then I turned the picture around and focused on the brick Brown fingerprints on the back. It couldn't have been paint. It just didn't look like dried paint. But it did look like dried blood. And I know what dried blood is. My mother used to be a nurse.

I dropped the photo as soon as I realized that it was blood on the back of the photo. Why was there blood on the back of the photo? I got off of my bed and walk backwards towards the door. I felt like someone was watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. There was something weird going on and even though I didn't like it, it kind of fascinated me. I mean being a geek and all that it's infatuated with sci-fi and fantasy and mythology, this was kind of my area of expertise. But that was only in the book sense. I never thought that it would happen to me. Is this house haunted?

Knock! Knock! "It's grandad". I turned around and open the door as quickly as I could. I was still a little freaked out from my previous revelations. I stepped back so he could enter the room. He didn't say anything but he began to look around the room while nodding to himself. "Nice job cleaning this place up. I would have helped but-",

"Yeah Grandad. I know. Your bones are too weak. You said this many times."

He looked at me and smiled, "You remind me of your mother sometimes. Did you know that? At least before she started drinking."

He walked over to my bed and sat down, obviously tired from standing. " She was high-spirited, sarcastic, and not afraid to speak her mind. She was a do-it-herself girl kind of girl and hated when people said she wasn't strong enough or that she was just a girl. You remind me so much of her."

I had to agree to disagree. I am nothing like my mother. I'm a geek who is in love with sci-fi mysteries and horror stories. But one thing is true. I did like to do things on my own. Including solving this mystery.

I spotted the picture to the left of him where I had dropped it and began praying silently that he wouldn't pick it up and observe it. A bunch of thoughts began to cloud my mind. What if he recognizes the picture? What if he reads the words on the back? Maybe he knows the history of the house.

"So Grandad. What exactly did you want?"

"Well, I came to see how you were settling in and to talk about your mom and dad. I know that your mom hasn't told you what had happened between your father and her and that you've been confused about this whole ordeal but I want you to know that I'm going to make sure she's back on her feet and ready to raise you the right way."

"Did you know about your father's mistake?"

" Yeah, I know what Dad did. And he still hasn't had the guts to own up to it or to talk to me. So, I don't really care".

"Don't lie to me. Jen, I know you do care. You can't not care. I know you. You're hurting and I know why because I would be hurting too if I were put in that position and I'm sorry."

"No Grandad. I'm okay. He's the one that decided to leave without saying goodbye or without giving me an explanation. So I'm okay. He is the coward and I found a way to deal with that. Thank you for coming in here and trying to comfort me, but out of me and Mom, Mom's the one who needs comforting."

" I understand ", he stood up and gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving my room.

I closed my door and took a few deep breaths as I felt the tears begin to weld in my eyes. My way of coping with him leaving my mom and I was to not think of him at all and I, didn't need a reminder of how he betrayed our family. I let the last breath out when the tears had subsided. Not one had been able to escape my eyes. I hated crying and I didn't cry for no reason. And I wouldn't cry over my coward of a father.

I walked over to the picture and read over the ghostly words on the back, 'I can see you with him, but why can't I reach you?'

I took a deep breath. Obviously, this person didn't want to hurt me. Cleaning my room and leaving a bone-chilling, but not threatening note, convinced me to not report this. I had to find out what this was.

Thanks guys for reading! Hope you liked it. I took a hiatus and th, I'm not sure if I'll be back, but I'm here now. Enjoy! Vote! And comment!

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