Chapter: 6

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How's life guys?!?! Yes, this is another chapter!! I hope you like it!!! Please remember to vote, comment and share!1 I really appreciate it all!! Thanks guys!! Also, I'd like to thank covergirl213 for not only this beautiful fanart, but for making me an amazing cover on short notice!! Please view her book cover story and if you need a book cover, please check with her!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>And the story continues<<<<<<<<<<<<<

          I ran downstairs and found David and Sarah by the door. They both were dressed up and ready to leave. "Where are you guys going all dressed up like that?" I asked David as I approached. He smiled faintly, "Out to breakfast. Well, not right now. We're going to drop you off first....So, are you ready?" He asked me as I furrowed my brows. Sarah looked so happy, like really happy. Her face was formed into a grin, somewhat mischievous, but very gleeful. 'Probably because of their date', I thought annoyed.

          David stared at me as if I were stupid. "I will be dropping you off at the Center", he elaborated. I shook my head. Sarah raised an eyebrow. "I'll walk", I stated bluntly. Although uneasiness had filled up my senses whenever I thought of leaving the house, walking was the only option that I felt 100 percent sure I wanted to do.

          David shrugged and turned to open the door, but Sarah stopped him. "I insist that you let us take you", she demanded sweetly, but there was an edge to her voice. David groaned, "Would you girls make up your mind already? I'm hungry!" I giggled, "No thanks. Trust me, I want to feel the fresh air". I took that brief opportunity to push past David and in between the door and the two of them. "Bye Grandma", I yelled out before walking out of the house, not waiting for a reply.

          I turned back around quickly and saw Sarah's pissed off face. 'Why was she so angry? I'm only walking'.

         When the center was only three blocks away, the uneasy feeling began to settle itself in the pit of my stomach; digging deeper and deeper as I took more steps away from the house. I took a deep breath as I continued to walk, trying to make the feeling disappear. Then I had the best idea. I plugged in my earphones and began to listen to music. I nodded my head to the beat a little, but stopped immediately when any sign of human life appeared.

          The feeling of uneasiness felt like a tiny matter to me as I watched the houses pass by. I began to walk faster and faster to match the beat of the song; passed the houses around me that weren't that different from ours. Well, Grandma Margaret's. The only differences were the colors that the different owners used to paint their homes.

          Many adults and children were out and about, mingling and chatting to each other as I got closer to the Center. The crowds grew denser and denser as I walked further. I kept my head down and continued walking, making sure that my beanie was low. The last thing I wanted was someone to begin talking to me.

          I was only a block away from the center when the feeling had returned, so strong that I had often found myself along the way almost turning back. I shook my head as I found myself in the middle of doing a 180. My body seemed to be in control. People were staring at me. I mean, I would be too if I saw a young girl trying to stop herself from turning around. I ignored the people all around me, but somehow the little girl managed to get my attention.

          She was dark skinned. Her eyes were wide and her lips were formed into a frown. She was dressed in pink from head to toe and her long hair was tied above her head in pigtails. I had to stop quickly to avoid walking into her. I didn't know what I could say to her. She looked really pissed at me, but I was as clueless as a spy with no lead.

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