Chapter: 3

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Haiii guys again!!! Yes, this story is completed so no need to wait for my procrastinating behind!!! Please remember to vote, comment, and share!! Thanks guys for reading!! It means a lot to me!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>And the story continues<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

          I ran inside of the kitchen, my heart beating out of my chest. Grandma Margaret was standing there, facing the girl, and shaking. All of the blood had left her face. I looked down at the floor and saw pieces of jagged glass from her favorite baking pan all over the floor.


          "W-What? W-When? How? HOW?" She was shaking uncontrollably now; she was pale. She looked like she was about to faint. I turned to David, who was holding Grandma Margaret steady as she practically vibrated. I mouthed, 'What is happening', and he just shrugged, a shocked look plastered across his face. Then I turned to Sarah, who was standing there, dumbfounded.

          Grandma Margaret lifted a shaky finger at Sarah and began to scream, her voice suddenly really strong. "H-HOW ARE Y-YOU STILL ALIVE? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? LEAVE-MY-HOUSE-NOW!' She weakened in David's grasp but still kept her ground.

          "Calm down Grandma", David cooed, trying to calm her. Instead she screamed, "NOOOO", as if there was bloody murder. She grabbed the nearest object, (which was a fork), and flung it at the girl. It didn't hit her. Instead, if landed at the far corner of the living room, missing the girl about four feet. I let out a deep breath.

          "I think I should go...." The girl said, right as Grandma Margaret had slumped down into David's arms. "Is she okay?" I asked, ignoring the girl. David put a finger to the bottom of her ear and then nodded. We both relaxed. "Addy, can you take Sarah up to my room? Please?"

          "Sure", I responded, not in the mood to play at all. Usually, I would probably make him pay me, but I was still kind of scared. I was just worried that my greatest fear would come true. Something I wasn't ready for at all. I started up the staircase and Sarah followed closely behind, still shocked from what had happened downstairs. I felt around my neck until my hand touched the thin gold chain around my neck that held the locket. I twirled it around my finger for good luck as I guided Sarah to David's room. "Wow! You guys must be loaded!" She exclaimed upon seeing the vastness of our home.

          I smiled, not being able to answer her without entering into a conversation trap. The last thing I wanted to do was start a conversation with another one of David's girlfriends. The last time I did that, I was stuck talking about the different kinds of heels on the market with an airhead. It was terrible because first of all, I knew nothing about the different kinds of shoes except that they all went on my feet, and second of all, I didn't care.

          I opened the door to David's room and sat her down on his bed. His absence had favored the room really well. His bed was made, his clothes were folded and placed in his drawers, the floors were waxed and there was no trace of his lethal body odor anywhere. "Thank God!" I whispered to myself quietly as I took a whiff of the room that now smelled like vanilla.

          Sarah looked up so fast that I was half-expecting her head to snap off. Her eyes were wide, proving my suspicion correct. Her eyes were black, and red marks spread out from her eyes and onto her face. I blinked continuously and rubbed my eyes. I looked at her again and her eyes were normal. Everything went back to normal.

          My heart was thumping wildly in my chest. It looked so real.

          She smiled. "Thank you for showing me to his room. I would have never found it on my own", she said politely. I nodded and turned to escape, even though I was just seeing things. 'Was I just seeing things?'

          "Your brother talks a lot", she called out desperately, before I could leave the room. I stopped in my tracks. 'Seriously? I don't want to know about your relationship problems. Especially if it involves my brother', I thought bitterly.

          "About you I mean. Your brother talks a lot about you", she said nervously. I turned slowly to face her. "What did he say?" I asked, my eyes narrowing; my suspicion growing. She had sparked my interest.

          "I'm sorry", she said nervously. She pushed her hair out of her face and then grabbed at it as if she was stressed about something. "I'm sorry", she repeated. I raised an eyebrow in question. She was freaking me out. "I'm so sorry. It's just that..... It's just that, I was really nervous about coming here and then your grandmother.... Well, she freaked me out big time. I'm pretty sure we haven't met before. But for some reason, she wants me dead!" She grabbed at her hair again and I took a step backwards, slowly so that she wouldn't notice. "But... It's so hard, you know? I really like your brother. A lot actually. And I was kinda hoping that you guys would like me. I tried so hard!" She began to sob into her arms, her shoulders jerking up and down as the sobs got worse.

          "Um.... It's alright", I told her, coming closer. It was hard seeing her like this, no matter how much she freaked me out. And she freaked me out a lot. She continued to cry, and I hugged her. "It's fine.... My Grandma is really old. She could be just... You know, seeing things or something", I reassured.

          I could bet fifty dollars that my face was filled with disgust. Not at her, it was just that I'm not really a touchy-feely type of person. I had never liked contact.

          I watched her lift her head from her arms and turn to look at me. I hid the disgust on my face from touching her, and dropped my arms to my sides. She laughed sarcastically and pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm so sorry that I had to worry you with my sob stories on our first day meeting. I shouldn't be bothering you", she wiped at her eyes. "Oh, no, you're not bothering me", I forced out, while standing up slowly.

          She stared up at me and then narrowed her eyes. "Is that the scar?" She asked pointing to my neck. My hand went up instantly to cover it. 'Did David tell her about my scar? What had he been telling her about me?'

          My scar was located on the right side of my neck, which was clearly visible now because my wavy chestnut brown hair had shifted, uncovering it. It was as big as an eraser and it seldom ached. I hated telling people about it because they would then pity me every time they saw it. I didn't like pity.

          "It's fine. I won't bite", she said, grinning. Her previous misery seemed to have fled her mind. "May I please see it?" I wanted to say no so badly, but then again, she would think that I didn't like her. She had enough to worry about with Grandma Margaret, and I just wanted to avoid talking to her altogether. So, I answered with a simple, "Sure".

          I got on my knees and cocked my head to the left. I was nervous for some reason and I just wanted it to be over with. "Ok, it's big", I told her sarcastically, wanting an excuse to leave, "I'm going to leave now", I said, starting to get up. Then I felt a light tap where my scar was, and my body twitched in pain.

          Images kept flooding into my mind; of the morning when I slipped on my favorite yellow shirt with a huge smile on my face. The moment when I climbed into the car with my mom and dad as they talked and laughed their heads off. As father began to drive. When the car cut in front of us. When we flipped in the air, my heart thumping in my chest as my life flashed before my eyes. David's face in the hospital, breaking the news to me that we were orphans, right after I came to. My body shuddered as another wave of pain entered my body through my scar.

          Myhead fell backwards, my body shuddered, my eyes rolled back, but right beforethey did, I saw Sarah's face. Her eyes were consumed in the black. She was grinning hard, her teeth sharpenedinto many pinpricks that covered every pink in her mouth. 

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