Chapter 27- Did I Just Time Travel A Century?

Start from the beginning

Honestly, what's up with fashion these days? I can't find a single piece of clothing that doesn't scream underwear.

It's like flimsy fabric pieces have been stitched together with a lot of slits and holes.

These clothes leave nothing to the imagination.

I saw a dress, with slits on both sides of the legs, a huge hole in the back, cold shouldered sleeves, and an almost see through cloth. And don't get me started on the neckline. It's deep, like a lot deep.

I rub my head in frustration, why can't I find something good? Not giving up I wander deep into the store.

I find a small passage and I walk in, the walls are creme and have dust all over them. I place my hands on the wall as it feels like the right thing to do.

The sunlight seeps through the other side and gives enough light to see my path.

I keep walking, curious to know what lies on the other side. I finally reached the end of the passage and a bright light almost blinds me.

I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the burning bright sunlight, which seems to be on full brightness here.

"Wow" I exclaim, the sight is so magnificent that I can't put it into words.

Rows and rows of mannequins dressed in the most elegant gowns. All princess style.

Dresses of every colour imaginable are here, I think I even saw a couple of black gowns.

They all seemed to follow the same pattern, a top that hugs your body and from the waist there is a huge skirt, and the dress gives the whole princess vibe. Absolutely fabulous.

Each dress has a unique pattern which looks as if it has been meant for this dress only.

"Gorgeous, right honey?" a voice startles me and I jump a bit.

I turn around and find a smiling lady, her hair is up in a tight bun and she is wearing a formal black skirt and a white shirt. She looks like those powerful women, the ones who run huge companies, countries, etc. The ones we need more of.

"Did I just time travel a century? Because I swear this isn't supposed to be here!" I exclaim, baffled by everything.

The lady smiles, "Rubbish! The people these days know nothing about fashion. Whatever they're doing right now is a disaster. A dress that I saw a few days back, oh don't get me started. The young lady looked as if the dress, if you can call it that, had been surgically fitted to her body, because no way can someone fit into something so small and tight. I think all her oxygen supply must have been cut off also because her voice was very high pitched and squeaky."

I laugh, she is really funny.

"Anyway, I am Miss. Florence. And as you must have guessed I have designed these clothes. And you must be looking for a wedding dress, am I right?" she asks.

I nod, excitedly.

"Wait a second I'll go get the bride." I say, as I make my way back.

I run back and grab Rebecca who is looking through a rack of clothes and pull her all the way back. As soon as she adjusts to the bright lighting, she gasps.

"It's amazing." she whispers in awe.

I nod and begin looking through clothes. I walk looking around, the dresses are pretty but not exactly what I had in mind. Yes, I am deciding what clothes we wear.

While looking at a blue gown, I trip on something and fall, to gain balance I grab a cloth, but unfortunately I fall with the cloth.

Underneath is the most beautiful gown I have ever seen.

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