>>Chapter Two<<

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The last cross country meet of the season took place on October fourteenth. It was a divisional meet that Melody's team wasn't even originally scheduled to participate in, but with a five day notice, they pushed through the week's practice and made it to the meet. During the meet, the race for Mel and her teammates was 1.8 miles long, and all of the boys from Melody's school, except for two, placed in the top ten, and as a matter of fact a boy from her school, Blake Crimson, got second. The two people who didn't place as well were Lloyd Price and unfortunately, Felix. Melody saw right through the fact that Felix didn't place though. She didn't even think twice about her feelings for him. He was still the same cute boy from math class who never failed to make people laugh.

The lengthy three hour drive back from the successful divisional meet was when things spun into a tornado of chaotic drama. Melody and Luna were chatting like usual and messing around with funny filters on Mel's phone until their conversation was interrupted by Jayden Rush informing Melody that Blake would like to add her on Snapchat. She hesitantly pulls up Snapchat as Jayden reads off Blake's username for her to type into the search bar. Blake doesn't add her back right away for he is sleeping in the seat straight across from the two girls.

Jayden and Melody's modest exchange of words takes a sharp turn when Jayden pops the question "Do you know what nudes are?" Bewildered by this sudden unexpected question, Mel's reply was a reluctant "Yeah, why". Jayden has the bold response of "Well, Blake would like to trade some if you're up to it" Keep in mind that Blake is sleeping and has no input on this entire conversation, Jayden is speaking for him. Melody doesn't even reply to this one for obvious reasons.

In the mean time, Luna proceeds, though he is still sleeping, to 'interview' Blake with questions such as "Do you prefer your chocolate milk shaken or stirred" in which his answer was "shaken" though still (trying to) sleep. As Luna was questioning Blake, Melody found some left over change from their trip to the gas station after the meet. Within the change were 3 quarters. The two girls began discussing what to do with these coins. Melody decided to stick one of them into their coach's pocket on his way down the aisle. On the other hand, Luna decides to place the other two upon Blake's hip while we was sleeping. And of course, Jayden being Jayden, he had to crack another one of his dirty remarks and say "Hey you should shove thoes up Blake's ass"

As expected, Luna did not give into Jayden's suggestion, and just left the quarters be. Melody and Luna went back to their conversational shenanigans like singing songs from their favorite musicals. One specific song that they vocalized mentioned the name 'Felix' which caught the attention of Felix who was sitting a few seats ahead of the friends and on the opposite side of the aisle. Of course Felix looking back at them caught Melody's crushing eyes for a moment. But the moment that made Melody's day within these few seconds was when Felix winked at her as he turned back to face the other direction again.


Once the bus arrived in the team's hometown from their last cross country meet of the season, Melody hitched a ride with her mother back to their humble abode. Eventually, the mother, daughter, and brother return home once again. Some time after coming back to their homely shelter, Mel's phone lights up notifying her that Blake has added her back on Snapchat. Melody didn't snap him and he didn't say anything. Until the next day.


>>Author's note<<


Once again, thanks so much for reading my story! I'm really enjoying writing this, so I hope anyone who reads this enjoys reading it as well.


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