Jeno ♡ Letters PT.2

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believe me when i say he's not the one

jeno's words have been on replay for the past 3 days in your head. every time you look at jungmin, you wouldn't notice his bright smile, or his cute dimples but you would notice his eyes.

whenever you ask him about the notes, his eyes would sort of tremble. you would ask him why he stopped sending you notes and he would just reply saying that you two were already together so why should he keep doing it.

but after he noticed that you were kind of upset by his replies, he would send you a letter but would use his name instead of smileyes.

the notes were sweet but you just didn't feel like they were the same. jungmin handwriting was much neater than the ones on the original notes.

you talked to your friend yuqi about it and she told you to ask him if he still remembers the name he used to right since she knew that since the conversation with jeno, you were doubting jungmin.

you told jungmin to meet you at the bench in the back garden of the school during lunch time. he was already 7 minuets late but you didn't mind.

you saw him rush over to you with his brown lunch bag in his hand and his bag flying as he excitedly makes his way towards you.

he takes a seat next you, pecking your cheek before grinning at you like a child.

"let's eat" he smiles

"i actually have to ask you something first" you say

"what is it?" he turns to you

" you remember the code name that you used to use in the letters you gave?" you ask

"of course i do." he says confidently

"oh okay. can you tell me how to pronounce it now? i've been wondering for a while" you ask innocently

"oh-um ah- you see i don't-"

"its smile eyes. it was meant to be eye smiles but there was no e in the beginning of smile so i switched them to be smart" said a voice that did not belong to jungmin

turning around, you see jeno walking towards you. he stops at the front of you to and just stands there.

"i told you he's not the one y/n. i put those letters. i am smile eyes. he just took his chance because he knew he could never have the courage to do what i did. he's a coward. you don't like cowards. or liars. and i know that. you like guys who are sweet. sometimes cheeky. but still show you love. am i right?" he asks

you nod your head slowly.

"so, are you going to stay with this fake or are you going to go out with me instead"

"wait y/n i can explain!" jungmin grins your arm

"what?" you snap at him

"i-i'm sorry for lying to you. it's just when you mentioned the notes i thought that the person will come clean and then you might fall for him and get together and i didn't like the idea. i like you y/n. i lied for you. please. give me another chance" he begs

"i-i'm sorry jungmin but you lied to me. and i'm sorry jeno, for all of this" you apologize

"a date can be the perfect apology gift" jeno turns back to the cute guy he is as he shows you his beautiful eye smile

"o-of course" you blush slightly

and that was how you and jeno had your first date.

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