Ten ♡ I'm up for the ride

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You sit with your head leaned on his shoulder. You both stare at the sunset while sitting outside at the front of his car. He links your fingers together.

"I'm sorry that I pulled you into this" he apologizes

"Don't be. I'm glad you did" you smiled softly

Just then, the sound of sirens were heard. The flashing of Blue and Red were seen. He looks at me.

"We should go"

"I'm up for the ride"

You both get in the car. Ten starts the engine and you both speed of. He watches you as your stand up, letting the wind blow through your hair as your raise your arms over your head and into the air.

He smiles. He found the only person who could make him happy. And the only person who would love him for him.

You sit back down and giggle. He places his hand your thigh and you place your hand on his.

"I think we lost them" you play with the ring on his finger

"I think we did" he parked the car at the side of the road.

"Why'd you stop?" You asked and looked at him

He places his hand on your chin and pulls you closer, connecting your lips. You smiled in the kiss your wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulls you closer so you get up from your place, straddling him, without taking your lips off his.

His hands explore your body and land on your ass. He squeezes it and you let out a quiet moan. He slips in his tongue in your mouth wear both tongues have a fight.

Minutes later, you both pull away from the lack of air.

"Back seat. Now." He commands

You smiled and got to the back. He smacked your ass as you did so.

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