Chapter 22: Reuniting with Gon

Start from the beginning

"No they were just entertaining us" smiled Gon.

"Anyways, lets get out of here, right now and go somewhere else. If we don't my mother will give us an earful!" He said.

"Yeah" said Gon.

"Oi Gotoh, whatever my mum says, don't follow me okay" said Killua.

"Yes" said gotoh. And then we all walked out. I waved at Gotoh and Canary and closed the door.


We sat down in the train and started talking. Leorio sat next to Gon, and me and Kurapika and Killua sat next to each other. While we were talking, Gon mentioned that we came on a Tourist Visa.

"A tourist visa? You know you could've used your Hunters License so you can stay as long as you want" said Killua.

"That's what we said but" said Leorio.

"I decided that I won't use my License until I finish what I have to do" said Gon.

"What do you have to do?" Asked Killua. Gon shuffled around and took something out of his pocket.

"This" He said and showed us a tag that had the number 44 on it.

"I have to punch Hisoka in the face and return this to him, until then I can't use my license and I can't go to Whale Island either" he said.

"So, where is Hisoka?" Asked Killua. Gon laughed and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"That's what I thought" said Leorio rolling his eyes.

"I know where Hisoka is" said Kurapika all of a sudden.

"You do?" I Asked.

"He told me" he replied.

"Then was that what he said to you in your match?" Asked Leorio.

"No it was after, but it had something to do with it" said Kurapika. "He told me that he had some information about the Spider"

"The Phantom Troupe?" Said leorio.

"The Spider is what people who are close to the phantom troupe call it, and when he told me he has some information, I went to him after. He said that they will be in Yorknew City on 1st of September" he said.

"Why 1st? Is there anything happening?" Asked Gon.

"Hmmmm oh yeah, the biggest Auction of the year is taking place in Yorknew City from The 1st till the 10th" said Leorio.

"And they will be there, so is Hisoka" said Kurapika.

"Makes sense since all those robbers usually gather at big auctions and stuff, especially now, since it's the biggest gathering of money in the world" I said shrugging.

"Hmm so Hisoka is gonna be in Yorknew City...thanks for the information" said Gon.

"No problem" smiled Kurapika.

The rest of the journey we just chatted about random stuff, until we reached the airport.

"Well then, I'm gonna be on my way" said Kurapika.

"Huh?" Asked Gon.

"I'll need money to participate in the auction, so I'm gonna go find someone to hire me as a Hunter" he said smiling.

"Well then I'm going home as well" said Leorio.

"You too?" Said Gon.

"Well, I'm still chasing my dream of becoming a doctor, so I'll use this to pay for the ridiculous fee" he said pointing at his License. "Better hurry up and start cramming" We laughed.

"So until we meet again" said Leorio.

"And that will be " said Kurapika.

"On September 1st, Yorknew City" we said all together.

"See ya"

"Bye" said Kurapika and Leorio and walked to their flights. Me, Gon and Killua were left.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Gon looking at me.

"We train, obviously" said Killua.

"Train for what?" Asked Gon.

"Didn't you just say that you were gonna punch Hisoka in the face? Well how are you gonna do that without training" said Killua.

"You can't land a hit on him in 10. No 100 years!" Screamed Killua.

"Okay" said Gon, scared.

"Here, let me make it easier for you to understand" said Killua. He picked up a stick and knelt down on the floor.

"This is Hisoka, and this is Hanzo" I looked down and saw the faces he drew. I started laughing.

"Those faces are ridiculous!" I laughed.

"Just go with it!" Said Killua offended.

"This is the gap in strength between them." He said as he drew a line.

"The gap between Hisoka and you, Gon is" he said and started drawing a line and going away from us, until he was about 50 meters away.

"Is this far! And I'm being generous!" Shouted Killua from the other side. Gon looked a bit mad.

"Then where are you?!" He shouted back.

"Hmmm I think I'm about here" he said, drawing his face not far off from Hisoka and Hanzo.

"Ahhh So Hanzo is stronger" said Gon.

"How about Y/N?" Asked Gon.

"She's" he said and pointed at a spot that was just under him.

"What so you're saying you're stronger?" I asked.

"Yeah, wanna make something out of it?" He said.

"Maybe I'll just beat you up now and we'll see who's stronger" I said.

"Its on" he said. Both of us had murderous auras around us and our foreheads touching.

"I can never figure out he difference in strength between me and my opponent, you're so amazing Killua" interrupted Gon.

"Cut that out...its embarrassing" said Killua. I rolled my eyes and started walking.

"He's just estimating" I said and he nodded.

"At least you have the general idea" said Killua. Gon nodded.

"So where do we train?" He asked.

"Gon do you have money?" Asked Killua.

"I'm actually running out"said Gon.

"I know of a place where we can train and earn money at the same time" said Killua.

"Are you thinking about..." I started.

"Yeah, the Heavens Arena" said Killua.

"Heavens arena?" Asked Gon.

"You'll see when we get there" I said as we started walking.

Next chapter:
-Heavens Arena

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