Chapter 7

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I woke up groaning as my neck hurts. I realised that I was on my bed and there was an arm drape over my shoulder. A grin made its way on my lips as I recalled yesterdays memory. I remembered how he did most of the chores in the house instead of me. I sighed as I saw the leftovers food on my bedroom floor and three different video game disc. I gently got up not wanting to wake up Hunter, I throw the left overs and kept the disc at the cabinet.

Ding! Dong!

The doorbell rang. Wait, who might that be? Curious, I ran downstairs, leaving Hunter in bed and open the door. My eyes widen. There stood my parents. The two people who had left for vacation 1 month ago. My eyes welled up in tears as I hug them.

"Mom! Dad! I miss you guys!" I cried.

"Kelly dear, we miss you too," Mom said to me.

"You look different," my dad stated, smiling.

"Obviously," I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"Who's that?" A raspy voice came from behind.

I jerk my head and saw Hunter looking all sleepy. His eyes widen when he saw my mom and dad.

"Sandy! George! Its nice to see both of you again!" He exclaim as he hug both of my parents.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Kelly, go get dressed. We are going to go out the three of us or maybe four if you count in Hunter too," My mom replied,smiling.

"Okie dokie," I replied as I trudged my way up the stairs.

Hunter followed me behind. He gave me a glare when I went in the bathroom.

"What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you woke me up?" He said.

I shrug my shoulders as I took out my ripped jeans paired with a pink t-shirt. I went in the bathroom and bathe.

When I was done, I wore my clothes and head out of the bathroom. I tied my hair to a high ponytail and maneuvour to the kitchen. Not surprisingly, Hunter and my parents were already there when I went downstairs.

"Lets go! Lets go!" I said excitedly.

"Chill kitten, don't need to be so amateur," Hunter commented.

I scowl at him and smile at my parents.

"Alright, lets go kids," My father said as he took his car keys.

We followed behind him as my mom locked the door behind her. My dad took the driver seat, my mom at the passanger seat, and Hunter and I took the backseat. My dad started the engine of the car and drove off. There was a peaceful silence between us where no tension filled the air. I was wierdly starting to like the silence until Hunter broke it.

"Where are we going?" He questioned a little too loud.

"Somewhere over the rainbow," I replied back.

"I wasn't asking you," He said scowling.

"But you didn't say the name of who your talking to," I fire back.

"Whatever," He muttered.

"Lets play truth or dare in the meantime," I suggested.

"Sure," he replied. "Me first of course," he continued.

He rubbed his palms together and made the develish look.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I replied.

"I dare you to say 'hey mama and dada you guys suck' to your parents," He said in a whisper since my parents was just in front of me.

"No!" I said a little too loud.

"A dare is a dare," Hunter did his smirk and crossed his arms.

I huff as I lean forward and say

"This is a dare. Hey mama and dada you guys suck," I said and lean back.

"Kelly, I am not going to ground you for that since the dare was from Hunter. But, I will ask Hunter parents to ground him," My mom stated with a grin. Hunter immediatly scowl.

"Yay! Thank you!" I said as I pump my fist in the air but accidentally punched the top of the car. I winced.

Hunter scowl turn into a chuckle when he saw the scene.

"Hey! Ain't funny!" I exclaim and cross my arms childishly. He stifle a laugh and smiled innocently at me.

"By the way its your turn to say 'truth or dare' right?" He asked. I nodded and said

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," He challenge.

"I dare you to shout 'I am gay! I kissed a boy yesterday' outside the car window," I challege back and smirk. "But hey! That even rhymes!" I continued.

"No! My reputation will be ruin! And I will be all over the internet," He whines.

"But you will be famous!" I add.

"Oh yeah! Okay I will do it!" He said.

He opened the car window and stick his head out. I said 'one,two,three' means ready set go. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He stick his head back in and quickly drank almost the whole bottle of water. Worriedly, I asked

"Damn puppy what happend?"

"Kitty, I beg you not to laugh, promise?" He said his voice a little rusty.

I nodded as I was eager to listen what had happend.

"Kitty, for the first time in forever, I think I had chocked on a fly,"

Heyyo! I am sooooo sorry for the late update. Srry for the short update too.Tbh, I was actually giving up on this book. But, I didn't for you guys :). Btw thank you so so so so so so much for reading hope you enjoy it ^^





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