Chapter 4

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"Kitty?" That familiar voice said.

I look up and saw Hunter... with Charles?! Wait, what are both of them doing here together?

"Pup- I mean Hunter... Hi! It's really awesome to see you but... Kevin and I got to go," I said to him, pulling Kevin with me away from them

"Seriously Kel? I already know about you and Hunter being best friends so stop acting like you don't know him," Charles shouted to me.

I stop and turn around raising an eyebrow. Both of them walk towards me, Charles grinning while Hunter put on a blank face. I face Hunter and pull him away from Charles and Kevin.

"You! Why did you even told Charles about me being friends with you?! I thought we promise not to tell anyone about this.And why are you with even with her? She is a freaking barbie poo!" I said to him through gritted teeth.

"Woah chill there tiger. Well I told her because she is your friend. I am very sorry but, we can't keep this from everyone. I am with her because uh she can be trusted? I don't think she is a barbie poo but only a little okay?" Hunter replied calmly.

"Friend! Only friend not best friend! She can't be trusted... and she will never be trusted. She just wants to gain popularity," I shouted to him.

"Lies! You always spread lies about her! That's what she said to me... and she also said that you say to everyone that you spread rumours about her! How... how could you be so cruel?" He fires back

I was stunned. I never spread rumours or whatever to Charles... I thought that Charles can be trusted. And... why is Hunter defending her and not me? Questions run through my head. A tear slip out of my eye. I look at his face and all I saw was guilt.

"Kitty I am-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because I dash off running away from Charles and Hunter.

More tears slip out of my eyes as I wiped it away with the back of my palm.

"Kelly!" A voice shouted from behind.

I turn around and came
face-to-chest with someone. I look up and heave a sight of relieve when I saw that it was just Kevin. I hug him sobbing on his shoulder.

"Its okay," Kevin reassured me.

Tap! Tap!

Water droplets started to fall on my head.

"Is it raining?" Kevin questioned me.

"Its pouring," I replied.

Soon later, the rain pours. Making me soaking wet.

"Do you want to dance in the rain?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes!" I replied. My eyes glint with excitement.

He chuckled and pulled me to the street. Kevin took out his phone and open a song. He put his arms around my waist while I put mine around his neck. We dance to the rhythm of the music he plays. Luckily, no one was at the street only a few cars. Our foreheads touch as he smiled wildly. We step back and fourth. We leaned in close our lips almost touching.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

I thought for awhile. I only known him for like one day and a half can I trust him? I gulp. It won't hurt to try. I nodded my head as he leaned in even closer. Our lips touch and butterflies fill my stomach. My eyes flutter closed as our lips move in sync. His mouth were warm against mine. If only I kiss Hunter, I wonder what his taste like. Thinking about him made my blood boil. I gently push Kevin giving him a smile on my face. He was grinning from ear-to-ear.

"We are so wet, want to go to your place so we can get more wet?" He playfully asked. My cheeks turn red as a tomato. He burst into fits of laughter.

"I was just joking. As I was saying can I go to your place and so I can get dry before I go back to my house?" He asked still chuckling.

"Yep let's go," I replied. We walk side by side towards my house.

I wonder if Hunter is still with Charles... I shook my head. Better stop thinking about him right now.


Hunter's POV(Yay!):Before the incident

Ring! Ring! Ring!

My alarm clock went off. I groan and pick it up and turn it off. I look over at my phone and saw Charles text:

Wanna skip school together? ;)

Wait, if she skip school with me... means she wants to gain popularity.

No.Uh its ok

I know you want to,
C'mon. I will wait for you
Outside your house
At 10 mins.

I groan. Doesn't she knows what 'no' means? I quickly got up and bathe. When I was done, I wore my hoodie and jeans. Not caring how messy my hair is, I head down and took my things. A car horn from outside. Guess that is Charles. I walk out of my house and saw her wearing shorts that was very high up and her butt line can be seen. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Girls. They don't even know how to impress me. I wish that they can be like Kelly, funny, stupid and doesn't care what she looks like. Wait, what?

"Hey, Lets go!" She says, swaying her hips making her unattractive.

We both get in the car. Me, in the passenger seat and her, on the driver seat. We sat in silenced and that is until I realised something.

"Hey! Are you Kelly's best friend?" I asked

"Yeah, only friend. Why does that matter babe?" She questioned back. Batting her eyelashes at the road or maybe at me?

Urg! Why is she acting like those barbie poo girls? And if your wondering what that means, me and Kelly decided to change this 'slut' word into barbie's poo. Weird right? Before I get to reply, she added

"By the way, do you know that Kelly spread rumours about me? Saying that I want to gain popularity?! She is so mean ass! She also... lied to me!"

Wait... how can my kitty be so mean? I don't think that is true... can it? Oh Well... if Charles is Kelly's only friend, besides me, it would be great if I told her about me and Kelly, right? So I told her... about half of the story between me and Kelly.

I hope Kelly won't be mad...right?

I hope so too.


Oooo Drama!!Hey there! Thank you for reading. How was Hunter's Pov? Hope it is okay... sorry for the boring chapter tho. All the ideas kinda slip out of my mind :p. So....





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