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Taehyung's story:

Taehyung got in the madhouse with the same date as yours.


His loving grandmother died.

Then he got sad and depressed.

Till he got crazy like you.

He got reported by his neighbors.

They told that Taehyung is crazy.

Because he was talking to himself and also shouting to himself and that made his neighbors freak out.

He got into the madhouse and placed into the same room as yours but with a huge glass in the middle.

The first time he saw you, he got curious about you.

About your life.

Then both of you got close.

Till he reached to the point that he fell inlove with you.

Seeing you smile makes him smile.

Seeing you laugh makes him laugh.

Seeing you happ makes him happy.

Seeing you sad makes him sad.

Seeing you cry gives him guily, why?

Because he can't comfort you.

If it's not only prohibited to touch each other.

He could come comfort you in the times you cried.

I Madhouse I Kim Taehyung ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat