Chapter Seven

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   "Hey Car! I'm making your favorite breakfast. Thinking about joining the living anytime soon?" Caleb asks as he knocks on the door. He opens it slightly, and pops his head in.

   "Yeah, uh, I'll be right there." I groan out.

   "More like you need thirty minutes to do all your morning ritual crap you do when you wake up."

   "Pretty much. You know I'm not a morning person, right?" Ugh, too much talking, not enough waking up.

   "Of course I know. Which is why I made your favorite breakfast." he winks at me while saying favorite. I need food.

   "It smells absolutely delicious." It really does. The smell of good hickory smoked bacon permeates the air. My mouth instantly waters. Mmmm.... bacon. I mean seriously, who doesn't love bacon? It goes with everything. There is no such thing that bacon doesn't go with. Obviously, I'm in a food relationship with bacon. It needs its own food group as well.

   "The bacon is done cooking, as you know by the smell. The rest of breakfast is still making. Should be done around the time you get through doing all the stuff you do when you wake up in the morning." he shrugs as if it's no big deal.

   "Alright, thanks. Way too much talking happening this early in the morning. Can we take it down a notch? Seriously, what time is it?" I don't even mean to sound bitchy, but I don't do mornings.

   "Yeah, so about that, it's noon on Friday now. You've been asleep about 48 hours now. Your birthday is tomorrow by the way." Whoa. That's a lot of sleep. Can't believe he let me sleep this long. Birthday is tomorrow though. Not really planning on doing anything now, since I'm already Earth bound.

   "Whoa! I've been asleep for a long ass time." Seriously, tripping over this.

   "You needed every minute, every second for that matter, of that sleep though. With everything that's happened to you. It's a lot for anyone. You went from living in Hell, to being whisked away by your guardian angel to Earth. Which, transporting is a big deal. It takes a lot out of a person who's never done, as well as using up a bit of our magic. Especially, when you do it twice in such a short amount of time. From Earth we went to Heaven, and met God. Plus, lots of drama in-between. You were mentally and physically exhausted, Carmen. That was a cathartic sleep." He's speaking slowly as if he's talking down a wild tiger. Technically, that's probably exactly what I am in the morning.

   "You're right, it was. There was so much thrown at me in a short amount of time, but seriously too many words. Can we do this after breakfast? I promise, I'm not trying to be an ass." Too much of everything right now. I don't like dealing with anything as soon as I wake up.

   "Yeah, sorry, that's fine. See you in the kitchen in a few." he closes the door to the room.

   Lord, seeing Caleb this morning sent all my lady parts into a fritz. He really is so good looking. He's got a five o'clock shadow going on. Looking like he could be kin to Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy. Shit. I'm horny. Stress always does this to me. I tend to fuck away my stress. Really hoping Caleb is still good with the just having sex thing. I need it. Alright, time to go get myself ready so I can go eat my favorite breakfast that just so happens to be made by a sexy as sin guardian angel.

   Walking down the hallway I yell out "Honey, I'm here for the bacon, I mean I'm home."

   When I walk into the kitchen I see Caleb smirking at me. He gestures his arms out at the kitchen table. "Your favorite breakfast foods await you. I'm sure you doubted I knew what your favorites were, I assure I do."

   Indeed he does. On the table is of course, bacon! As well as other favorites. Stuffed biscuits, cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing, and a box of chocolate Krave cereal. I'm in breakfast Heaven. I'm still thinking Caleb looks like a mighty fine breakfast option as well.

   "Carmen, I can see how you're looking at me. I feel what you're feeling. I know you're trying to figure out if you want to actually eat this food or fuck me instead. We can do both, but you decide which happens first." He just throws this shit out at me, at the breakfast table of all places.

   "What, really? Are you sure you're good with this, Caleb?" He's looking at me as if I'm ridiculous for asking. ”You're my guardian angel, I don't want to blur any lines or for anything to get messy between us. I don't want this to effect your job. Are you sure you're down to just fuck? It's all I have to offer. Especially with this hit Lucifer still has on me." I don't know if I would ever be able to offer him more. I would always have a hit on my head, just for being who I am. Lucifer's daughter is a heavy title to bear. I have enemies I don't even know thanks to him.

   "Did you really just ask me if I was DTF? Carmen, who could ever say no to you? You're absolutely smoking, and I know what you can do with that hot body too." he's giving me a look that sends my blood boiling.

   What he said is true, nobody has ever turned me down. I'm very sexual, and if you're in my sights, then you will get my full charm. I always get what I want.

   "Alright, but things will be good afterwards?" I ask. Can't believe I'm worried about it in the first place. I usually never give a shit.

   "Car, we'll always be good. This won't interfere with my job, or our friendship. Now hush, and come here so I can kiss you." He crooks his index finger at me, telling me to come here. I willing oblige.

   I have never been kissed like this before in my life. He's kissing me so deeply, it's like he's fucking my soul with his tongue. He has officially ruined kissing for any other male. Nobody will ever compare to this. Pretty sure I just soaked through my thong from how turned on and wet I am.

   "Fuck, Caleb, I need you to fuck me, now. I need your cock inside me. Like right this very moment." I might combust soon. My body has become an inferno.

   "I like that you're all needy right now, Carmen, but nothing is about to stop me from putting my mouth on that pretty pussy. I've dreamed of doing this for so long."

   Oh my God! His mouth did such wonderfully, wicked things. All business and angel on the outside, but fucks like straight sin. Yeah, I'm glad to know that this can happen more than once, because I definitely need more of what just happened. Caleb has blew my mind. That hot mouth licking the right spots, and that glorious cock hitting all my hot zones, with every fucking thrust. I have never been fucked so good before in my life. Just thinking about it has my thighs clenching, and nipples getting hard. Shit. Starting to wonder if he's a fallen angel too with sex that great. He was right as well, nothing weird afterwards. We ate breakfast together at the table, and discussed some of the things that has happened. Word has it Lucifer is still pissed off, and wants me dead. It'll be like this for awhile. He can definitely hold a grudge. As for with our job, task, whatever, that God gave us, we figured out stuff with it too. After we celebrate my birthday properly this weekend, we will start working on training my powers, magic that I have. Pure heavenly light from my mother. Fires from the lake of fire in Hell from my father. Can't wait to see how this will work out. As for us starting college, since it's already at the beginning of July now, Caleb has decided to get me to take the basic classes that get you ready for college online. That way I can get up to speed faster. We'll be starting classes in about a month and a half. He went and applied for us both yesterday. Since he's still having to protect me, we're both going to major in the same field. Going for our bachelor's of science in human services. Sounds like a good field to be in, as long as your heart is in the right place.

   "Penny for your thoughts?" asks Caleb quietly.

   "Not much really. Just thinking about Michael. Why do you think he hates me? I'm his family. Couldn't he have been nicer?" I have never seen a grandfather just straight out hate. Although, I've also never had a grandfather either.

   "From what I've heard, Michael is a real prick, Car. Just ignore how he acted at the meeting with God. It doesn't matter if he questions your motives, because God knows all. He can see what you're heart and soul are really made of." Caleb speaks with his heart. There's so much emotion in each sentence. He's such a caring person. I'm glad to have him as my guardian angel.

   "True, I guess I was just hoping that I could have at least one family member to get along with, and actually have a family relationship with." I say wistfully. It would be nice.

   "Give him sometime, maybe he'll come around." he says with a wink.

    "Yeah, maybe."

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