Chapter 36: Fireworks Keep The Monsters Away

Start from the beginning

            Currently, he was in a wide, open space with torches lining the walls. The faint, eerie glow provided comfort for him. He sensed water below him, but not nearly enough to do anything with. Although if he got thirsty, at least he would have something to drink. He pushed himself up to his feet and began walking, which was at the moment the only logical thing to do. Maybe he would make Annabeth proud after saying that.

            Just then, a creak was heard by Percy from the right of him. He flipped around towards it. He felt awkward with his hands down to his side and not holding his sword up in front of him. It was times like these that he wished he at least had the old shield Tyson had made him. Sadly, it wasn't with him, it was back at Camp Half-Blood, unless it had been lost or damaged somehow.

            The wall was suddenly broken through, and Percy heard violent coughing echo throughout the dirt room. A figure stumbled through the dust and right towards the Son of Poseidon. In the figure's hands was a very familiar weapon: Riptide. Who had taken his sword? He growled, lunging at them and pinning them down in an instant.

            "Calypso?" Percy questioned curiously with a tilt of his head when he noticed that the monster was actually a person. His sword was being held in her left hand. The glow from it illuminated both of their faces.

            Calypso, who didn't seem happy to see Percy one bit, huffed, "Who else? Can you please get off of me?"

            He scampered off after plucking his sword from her hands. He sighed, happy to have his weapon he loved so much back with him.

            "Where are we? What are you doing here? Why did you have my sword?" Percy pressed continuously hoping for answers.

            "We're underneath the arena that you fought in. When I came, I found your sword in your pocket. I grabbed it out right before they took your body away. That way, when I didn't know where you were, I could find you again. As for why I'm here...I honestly don't know. Not for you, not for any other demigods, except--except Leo. I'm here for him. I'm here for revenge and nothing else. I'm only helping you so we can get revenge on her for taking Leo away from me. I'm not here to save you, Son of Poseidon. I'm here so you can help me get revenge. Do we have ourselves a deal?"
            "Yeah, I guess we do. Now, do you have any idea where the others are?"

            "I'm guessing they're in the dungeons. We need to go there, get them out, and then you need to use your powers to make an earthquake to collapse the place."

            Percy raised his eyebrow skeptically, "Are you sure they're all in there?"

            Calypso nodded curtly. "I'm positive. Now let's get going before even more monsters find us. I have a feeling that we won't be alone for long."

            Just after she said that, a swarm of Empousa leapt down in front of them. Their forms flickered from beautiful to hideous. Percy growled, holding up his sword menacingly. The group of Empousa  - around twenty of them - hissed and jumped into attack mode.

            "This time, I can actually kill you," Percy threatened. They landed on him while he swiped furiously with his sword. He managed to stab five of them into dust and get back onto his feet to face the rest of the army, who were currently surrounding him. The torches and Riptide helped a little bit, but it was still extremely dark; Therefore, it was hard to see exactly where the Empousa's were.

            He felt nails rake up his arm. Quickly, Percy turned around and stabbed the nearest one. He continued stabbing and slashing, a combination of Roman and Greek fighting. Personally, he preferred Greek fighting since he was a Greek demigod, but the Roman fighting came in handy if he ever wanted to catch his opponent off guard. Except for Annabeth. Athena always has a plan. That, to an extent, included Athena's demigod children.

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