Chapter 2- Like Looking For A Needle In A Haystack

Start from the beginning

Gemini: Please be careful, Taur. *Worried expression*

Taurus: *Confident smile* Don't worry about me, Gem. I can fight this guy!

Horizon: I wouldn't be so sure about that... *Flying so she wouldn't get hit by either side* This thing isn't just huge, it's strong as all hell.

Taurus: Well sh*t! Oh well, guess I really have to kick *ss with this one!

Leo: No kidding, Taurus! *Gulps as he looks at the Teralyst* Aries hug me.

Aries: Why?

Leo: Cause I might faint if you don't. Also it distracts me!

Aries: *Rolls his eyes* Alrighty then... *Hugs Leo*

Leo: *Blushes a bit* Thanks, I feel better now.

*All the fighters get ready, the Teralyst roars*

Horizon: Ready! Set! Fight! *Teralyst lunges at the fighters.

Taurus: *Cocks her gun and holds her spear* Bring. It. *Deadly look in her eyes*

Teralyst: *Roars and swings its arm at Taurus*

Taurus: *Blows the arm up with her gun* That the best you got? *Spear dances in her hands*

Capricorn: Break its shields, then go for its joints! We can't hurt it otherwise!

All the fighters: *Nod* Right!

Leo: *Growls and slides under the Teralyst* Hyah! *Swings his two swords up*

Teralyst: *Roars and lashes at Leo*

Aries: *Blocks the attack with his axe* Watch your back!

*After many minutes of fighting*

Teralyst: *Defeated and falls to the ground*

Horizon: *Snaps fingers and the Teralyst disappears* You defeated the Eidolon Teralyst! Good job guys!

Fighters: *Sweating, bruised, and some are bleeding from cuts and scrapes* Uh... Huh...

Virgo: *Holds pendant and eyes flash green* Let me help with that... *Emerald magic flows over the fighters and they're healed almost instantly* Done!

Sagittarius: Thanks... *Pant* Vivi. *Leans against the wall* Phew!

Taurus: *Sweating but otherwise fine* That was hard, and long.

Capricorn: We fought a raid boss, what did you expect? A one shot kill?

Taurus: Fair point.

Aquarius: *Was knocked out during the fight* Nnn...

Scorpio: *Anxiously standing over Aquarius* Guys? Can we wake her up? I'm getting nervous over here!

Capricorn: Give me a second. *Waves hands over Aquarius' face* Come one now Aqua, wake up!

Aquarius: *Jerks awake* *Gasps* Wha?

Scorpio: You got knocked out during the battle. Capri woke you up though. *Turns to Capricorn* Thanks.

Capricorn: No problem. *Holds Libra's hand* It was nothing.

Horizon: Now that you've all recovered, it's time for the escape room!

All the Zodiacs (Except for the Earth signs, Cancer, and Pisces): *Groan* Noooo!

Earth signs: A challenge! *Delighted*

Cancer: It doesn't seem that bad!

Pisces: Sounds fun! *Smiles*

*Horizon transports them all to an escape room*

Horizon: *From the speakers* You will have to find several keys to get out of the escape room. There will be clues hidden around the room you enter, and also a riddle you must solve using said clues to get the key. Good luck!

Aries: Last time I did this, I had Leo and Sag with me, and failed miserably. All three of us are horrible at riddles.

Leo: *Sheepishly* Yeah... We're trash at puzzles in general...

First Riddle: You can't truly see me but you can feel me, I am everywhere but nowhere at once, I am nothing but something. 3,6,2,11

Sagittarius: What do the numbers mean? I can grasp the rifle but...

Capricorn: I think the numbers are where the clues are to the riddle. See, there are places with roman numerals on them. I think those are where the clues are. *Goes to look at one*

Virgo: This one has the picture of what seems like light blue squiggles. What do think that means?

Taurus: Nothing but something... Waves... Currents... Is it wind?

Capricorn: Not quite. Over here there's a pit... Full if nothing... Wait! I got it!

Libra: What do you think it is, Capri?

Capricorn: Cold wind. See, the lines are like wind currents, which makes sense, but the 'not truly see me' says it's something else. This pit is empty so emptiness might be an answer, but then the air current symbol wouldn't be there. And the out isn't empty, it just looks like it. *Reaches in the hole* Wait... *Pulls out a clear crystal* There's a little pocket in the corner and this was in it.

Taurus: Sure but how does a crystal relate to cold wind?

Capricorn: It has another symbol on it; a snowflake. Also you could say emptiness is cold so it works. (No joke I just came up with this right off the bat. Please tell me if I'm not making sense!)

Taurus: Oh... Okay...

*About 30 minutes later...*

Zodiacs: *Unlock the door* FREEDOM!

Horizon: Well done! That's all for today guys, so signing off this is Horizon.

Zodiacs: And the Zodiacs

Horizon: Please don't forget to comment or Pm the author about truths or dares you have for the Zodiacs. Adieu!

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