Chapter 2,

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Song of the chapter

Stuck on puzzle by Alex turner.

I'm not the kind of fool
who's gonna sit and sing to you about stars, girl

"Ida-" I sneezed so loud, the whole cafeteria turned around to see me. I grabbed another tissue out of Ida's hoodie and sneezed another one.

"God Brooklyn. You should've stayed home! You keep getting worse since you started the day."

Ida kept worrying whereas Aiden put salty French fries in his mouth just to piss me off about my cold more and more.

Well, I shouldn't have stayed in the rain for so late long yesterday.

"You want one?" He waved a long one in front of my eyes. I gritted my teeth together and looked away. Ida slapped him on the back of his head and then took the rest of the fries and announced them as her new authority.

I stayed there, eating the apple I brought school from home. "That's disgusting." Aiden said out of blue. "I like apples." I simply responded and kept on chewing.

Ida and Aiden started talking about how fiber helps us shit better and all that stuff but my attention drew on the white haired guy that had just came in.

I didn't want to befriend him because of what the counselor said. I actually thought he'd be cool to hang out. So the corpse I was, I stood up and headed to him. He, again, sat on the blue plastic chair at the corner on his own.

As I reached the table, I sneezed loudly again. That was enough to get his attention. His blank eyes didn't leave my face as I took the tissue away from it sheepishly and grinned.

"Hello to you too, Paris." He raised one of his white eyebrows and I smiled at how cute his face was. "It's Brooklyn, Alexis."

"Yeah and it's boring. Don't you think Paris is much more exciting? What about Cairo? Maybe London too. I've been to Tehran once, it's cool. Do you like Tehran?"

I chewed inside my lip as I dragged a chair out and sat rather uncomfortably on the hard plastic. "I've never been there, but Ida was born there." I turned around to point at Ida who just punched Aiden in his forearm.

I turned around as his bored eyes landed on my face. He didn't have an apple with him self this time. He just sat there with his backpack on his lap and it looked like he was hugging it. Moments passed and we said nothing Finally I broke the silence again. Offering a him a wide smile I opened my mouth. "We have PE together."

"Yeah I saw you playing basketball, you looked like a sweaty pig." He rushed his hand through his hair as a loud laugh escaped me. "Way to compliment a girl."

I watched him as he clicked his tongue in response to me, then checked out his phone for a brief moment. Putting the phone on the table, he darted his eyes to mine as he locked his fingers together and put them under his chin.

"Who said I wanted to compliment you?"

My smile dried soon. I cleared my throat as I shrugged. I looked around the hall before looking at him again to find out he was dead serious and even had a look of confusion on his features. "Right." I cleared my throat as I reached down to get another tissue to wipe away my nose.

I looked up at him again to find him busy looking else where. He seemed really focused with his lips pursed together, eyebrows knitted and little wrinkles on his nose. Out of a sudden I found him standing up. "Nice talking to you Paris but please don't try it again." He didn't bother looking at me one more time before he grabbed the backpack and existing the hall not long before a hooded guy left.

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