Chapter 1,

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Hey guys, . The paragraphs that are written in this font all take place in the past as Brooklyn sees certain stuff and goes back in her past to find the relevance. She remembers things similar to her situation out there.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

Thanks for reading.

Song of the chapter
Wait by the river by lord huron

And the stars fill the river
As it flows into the sky
And the mind leaves the body
And floats higher and higher

It's a sensation close to madness.

When you stand by a cliff and let the wind caress your hair the way he didn't, let it hug your body on its own way, let it give you shivers.

I open my eyes and take a step closer. It's quite steep. Hard big rocks are attached to it, some small green yellowish thistles can be seen, down on the skirt.

Nobody can't survive falling from here and nobody couldn't.

My hair is messy and tangled at the end. I didn't bother brushing them. A messy bun suffices for me.

"Brooklyn! Get back from the edge it's dangerous. Get in here!" Shouts my one and only parent that is currently available now.

Charlotte Evans, the strongest, creepiest mom on the whole planet.

She and Dad got divorced when I was 5. No arguments, no nothing, just my mom thinking it would be a waste, living in a forced marriage and wasting your precious life.

Without a relpy I leave the beloved Cliff behind and head straight to her.

Her sunglasses cover half of her face and hide her chubby cheeks. It's 7 in the evening and it's going to get dark soon, yet she still wears them.

As I reach her, she grabs my hand pulls me in front of her friend. "Meet Lisa. Lisa this is my daughter, Brooklyn!" She says cheerfully, appearing to be really proud of me.

I force a smile and shake hands with her. "Pleasure meeting you." I say in the politest tone I can manage.

"You too." Is all she says before going to have a conversation with my Mom.

I stay there and listen to their conversation about staying tonight.

It's a national park, with a famous cliff at the end. If you continue to walk by the length of cliff for 30 minuets or so, you will reach the sea. Summer has started from a week ago and Mom thought it would be a great idea to come camping here.

I smile everytime Lisa takes a glimpse of me. As I start to get annoyed, I excuse myself and leave them to the cliff.

Before I reach it I am called by a pitchy voice. "Brooklyn, Brooklyn! Oh my goodness, slower your pace young lady so I can catch up with you." I stop and turn around to see my Mom's bestfriend, since high school, has her fattish hand over her trembling chest and pants hysterically.

"What's wrong Lady Clair?" I take big steps towards her.

Ever since I remember I've been calling her Lady Clair. I never knew why she chose to be called this, but I know it got something to do with her not being married.

"You are such a beautiful creature Brooklyn, but you have your hair out of your bun in a very messy way. The wind must have ruined it." She purses her lips together and runs her hand gently down my face. "You look like a messy shit." She says in an obvious tone and I know it's my cue to go and fix it up.

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