Trust No One

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It has been three weeks since we ran away from home. We're tired, and it's starting to get very cold. I'm scared, but I don't tell him. He'll yell at me if I do, so I keep my mouth shut.

He doesn't talk a lot while we move around. He just holds onto my hand while I walk down dark streets and cold forests. He hasn't spoken a lot since I played with Gregory, actually. He just tells me where to go.

My feet are sore. They're cut and bleeding, and I'm sure there are rocks stuck deep down under the skin. The wounds try to heal, but I keep walking in my bare feet and that reopens them.

I'm sure I look terrible now. The innocent side of me is wondering what Mommy would say. She would clean my wounds, and then she would make me take a bath to get all this dirt off. I haven't had a bath since the night before it happened. I bet I'm dirty now.

His silence is killing me. I can't help but wonder if he's mad at me. Did I do something wrong? The thought brings tears to my eyes, because I know he is my only friend.

All I feel is exhaustion. I just want to go lie down and sleep, just for a little while. I speak quietly. "Let's spend the night here. I'm tired."

"No. We need to keep moving. Don't stop."

I pout. Tears prick the sides of my eyes and threaten to spill. "But I haven't slept in days. Please, I wanna sleep."

He growls at me. "Keep moving, Sally!" His voice is sharp and angry. I whimper. "Don't you dare stop."

My legs feel weak and I find myself veering to the left, towards and alleyway. He's arguing with me as I do. "Sally! Don't you dare stop! Listen to me, I know what's best! If you stop you'll get caught!"

"Nobody's going to hurt me," I mutter as I stumble through the alley. I feel broken glass pierce my foot and stay there.

"Lies. They'll lie and cheat you, Sally. I am your only friend. Keep walking!"

I whine softly as I fall onto my side. He drops from my grasp, just landing a little ways beside me. I still hear him shouting for me to get up as I drift off into a sleep.

Someone is touching my shoulder. They shake it gently and I whine. It hurts. They're talking to me. "Little girl? Please, you have to get up. Wake up."

I whimper and curl up into a ball. Someone smooths my hair down. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Sally," I answer sleepily.

The voice I am speaking to is female. It sounds like an adult woman. "Sally, my name is Samantha. Can you stand up?"

Slowly, I open my eyes to meet that of a pretty woman. She has shoulder length blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She looks worried. I pick myself up and slowly look up to her.

Samantha smiles reassuringly. "Sally, do you know where you are?"

I shake my head no.

"You're in Cincinnati. Do you live here?"

Another shake of the head.

Samantha frowns. "Okay. Will you come with me? Please? I want to help."

I look around the ground. He is no where to be seen. He's hidden himself. I frown and look up and her, then I nod.

The woman smiles and takes my cut hand, leading me out of the alley. It is very early in the morning. A bank's clock says it is 6 o'clock A.M. I glance up at Samantha. "Why are you up so early? It's Saturday."

Samantha laughs softly. "I was out for a walk. My apartment's this way. Come on." She gently pulls me by my hand down an empty sidewalk. I am glad there is no one else there. It might not be good for lots of people to see me.

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