The school bell rang and I bolted out the door heading straight to my locker. I didn’t bother stopping to see if Harry was close by, I'd see him tonight at around 6:45 p.m. when he came to pick us up at my house. I had no homework for once and I slammed my locker shut with my tote, phone, and wallet ready to go. I sped walked to my car jingling the car keys in front of me. Ali and Katie were already there and we hopped in. I turned the ignition on and we drove off to the nail salon.

"Did I ever tell you how much I loved your car?" Ali said.

"Only a million times." I smiled at her through the rearview mirror. I drove a BMW i8 concept. It was a new car that came out this year and I got it for free from my dad. Katie sat in the passengers' seat playing with the radio trying to find a good song. She left it alone and started to sing along to the music. We pulled into the nail salon and took our seats with our usual nail stylists. We gossiped as usual and like always they did a fabulous job on our nails.

"Ruby you're amazing!" I said hugging my nail stylist.

"Don't forget to show me all the pictures! Including your dates girls." I pulled away from the hug and left her nice tip along with the others who did Ali and Katie's nails.

"They always do an amazing job." Ali said admiring her nails. She got a pretty purple that matched her dress while Katie got a light pink color to match her gown. I went with a French manicure with a pretty white flower design on the middle finger of each hand, same goes for my toes. I carefully stepped back into the car and we drove off to the next stop.

"I'm very uncomfortable." Ali said from the back.

"You have to let them dry." Katie said to her.

"Ugh." She leaned back and closed her eyes until I announced our arrival at the beauty salon. We piled out and our hairdressers took us right away. Everyone knew us there since we always stopped by even when we didn’t have an appointment. We got shampooed and went directly to our stylists. Shyanne, my hairdresser came over chewing her gum loud like always and gave me a kiss on both cheeks before playing with my hair.

"So what do you want?" She asked in her southern accent.

"A bun with the strand coming down curled. You know the one right?" I asked.

"Honey, I'm a hairdresser. Of course I know the one." She pulled a picture of it on her Iphone and showed it to me just to make sure.

"You're the best." I said to her.

"Have been for years." She teased before she started. She blow dried, cut, teased, straightened, and curled while placing bobby pins in to make it stay. We went through almost an entire full can of hairspray when all was said and done.

"So thick! You buy me the next one when I run out." She said playfully. I looked into the mirror when she was finished and almost didn’t recognize myself.

"Your date will love it." She said holding my shoulders.

"I hope."

"No hope he will, trust me." I went over to the makeup artist and she did my makeup perfectly. It didn’t take long for her to do since she already knows what to use. She took a step back to add some finishing touches.

"Vwa-la! You're a movie star." I hugged her and gave her tip to her before heading back to Shyanne to give her hers.

"Have fun sweetheart." She said while giving me one last hug goodbye.

"Thank you. I'll show you all the photos." I promised her. I met Ali and Katie back at the front desk and made my next appointment before I left.

"You guys look gorgeous!" I said to each of them.

"So do you!" They said in unison. We laughed and stepped back into the car to head back to my place. My parents were actually home for once, they said they wouldn’t miss this for the world. We got out of the car once we pulled into the circular driveway and walked up to the house.

"Mom, dad?" I said as we entered inside.

"Let me see!" My mum said jogging to the open foyer.

"AWE!!!! You guys look amazing!" Tears started to well into her eyes as she gave each of us bug hugs.

"Dresses and shoes are upstairs so get changed and we'll take lots of pictures. Who am I kidding I'll start taking them now!" She whipped out her digital camera and started to take pictures. We couldn’t help but laugh.

"Come on mom." I whined.

"Oh be quiet. Let's get ready." We rushed up the staircase careful not to ruin our hair. We went straight to our dresses and helped one another get into them. My mum was still taking pictures but made sure we were fully clothed while doing so. I slipped my heels on and buckled the straps. The dress was a little flowy; the way it came down reminded me of Marilyn Monroe's famous white dress. Although mine was a royal blue with silver rhinestones along the bust with a sweetheart neckline and rouged a little in the waist. I looked at the final product in my floor length mirror and was amazed at what I saw. Ali and Katie joined me and we just stared dumbstruck. No words could describe how we each felt right now.

"Okay smile!" We turned around and took plenty of pictures. Singles, group shots, everything. I checked the clock and started to get butterflies in my stomach, I was so anxious. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

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