Chapter 20. The ending

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Summers POV

This is my last day of being at Luke Academy. It has been a crazy 4 years but it was amazing with these boys. I'm currently in my room packing all my stuff, and Josh is packing his stuff. Leaving here is gonna be the hardest part, this place was my life. And now I won't be here ever again, well except to teach French with Caleb.

"I can't believe I was her for 5 years and you were here for 4 and your still graduating from here." Josh told me from the other side of the room.

"Yea I know. The time flew by so fast it's unbelievable. But I can't wait to teach here." I finish up my packing the rest if my stuff and put it all in one corner. Josh does the same but puts it in a different corner.

"Well, let's go say bye to the others, because we only have 3 hours left here." Josh laughed, what was he laughing about?


"Heller!!" I say to them, they all wave back, Some thing was up. Even if it's good or bad Some thing is going on.

"Guess What Summer?" They all line up in front of me.

"What?" I ask them.

     I have learned a lot about boys, and basically everything. I have leanred that boys aren't that complicated. But they can be. I learned that when you lie, it comes back to you. No matter how small the lie is, it comes back to you even worse. I have learned to smile more than you should. Even in your darkest times. And these things I will teach my future kids, and my future students.

"We are all teaching here. But I am not doing French with you. I am starting a new class, Spanish." We all smile and laugh together. This is what I love about life. Us.

"That's amazing. At least we will all be together, for another 4 years." They all laugh and I laugh with them.

"Well in 3 months we will all be teaching here." Ty said. Wow, it's funny. I won't be Summer any more. I will be Ms. Mavi.

"What are you guys teaching?" I ask Ty, Josh, and Luke.

"I'm teaching Algebra, Josh is teaching modeling, and Luke is gonna be in the office. I know that last one is surprising." Ty chuckles.

"Everyone who is teaching here next year, please come to the front office."

We all get out of the room and head to the office. Who knows what is about to happen...

Luke's POV

I already know what it's gonna be about. Nothing badly honestly.

"Ah, you guys are the ones who are gonna be teachers here?" We all nod out heads yes.

"Perfect. But. Before you do teach here. There is a summer camp that is 1 week long, come here on July 20th through July 27th. Be here at 7 in the morning on time everyday. And if you don't, you will regret not going." Mrs. Daylights told us.

"What are we gonna do?" Summer asks the administrator.

"You will learn the Real secret about Luke Academy." Wait What? What real secret. And could it really be that bad?

"Can we learn it now?" Josh asks.

"Yea. But in order for that, meet me at Castle Hon at exactly 2:30AM." She walks away.


We walk into Summer and Josh's Room. We all look at eachother like what just happend.

"Um. What do you think the secret could be?" Ty asks us. Summers face goes from confusion to no emotion.

"I know what it is." Summer blurts out. We all look at her and stand up.

"What is it?!" Caleb tells at her, in a non rude way.

"I can't tell you, you guys will just have to wait." She smiles and walks out of the room.

Summers POV

I know the secret. But if I told them then I would be in big trouble.

     2 more hours left in this school. That means 2 more hours left to hang out with these amazing guys. 2 hours left to be with the guys who have helped me with literally everything.

I snap out of my thoughts and realize that I'm on floor D. Wow. I feel a two on my shoulder and it's not anyone I recognize. He was tall, Mysterious, and dark black hair, and was wearing all black. I could see his face, he had the brightest blue eyes.

"Do I, know you?" I awkwardly smile and he doesn't awkwardly smile back. Am this couldn't get any awkwarder now could it?

"No, you don't. But I know you. Your Summer Mavi, age 20. Single, best friend May and Zack. And those other guys." I looked at him. My heart started beating very fast.

"I'm going to get going." I run away form him and try and find floor C. But I couldn't. I look behind me and see him no where. I face forward and ther he was.

"Who are you?" I stand my ground even though I was terrified.

"Think very hard. You have seen me before. You just have to think." He says with his hands in his pockets.

     He is right, I have seen him before. But not in real life. He is in my dreams, goid or bad ones. He is the one to protect me. But, who is he? I never knew a name, never knew who he was, but I did know he was there for me, better than anyone else has ever.

"You are always in my dreams. Good or bad. Who are you?" I wanted to know his name, I wanted to know everything. I want to know why he is in my dreams and how he is.

"I'm your guardian. My name is Evan. I am in your dreams to protect you forever." I felt like my heart skipped a beat. I had a guardian?

"Thank you." Is all I could say. Why is it when I have a guardian I still feel the pain of anything that comes my way? I feel everything as a person would when they don't have a guardian. Why was he here? Who sent him here?

"Who sent you here? Why are you here? What are you doing here? If you supposed to protect me then why do I feel all the pain possible?" When I look at him I like of Ruby. I don't know why, but that is just how it is.

"Ruby sent me here. I am here because Ruby said to protect you because she didn't want you hurt. I can not protect you from all the pain possible." I'm so confused. I hug him and walk away.


"Hey guys. It's almost 2:30 so let's get going." Ty told us. We all walked out of the door and head to Calebs car. I was sitting on the right in the back, Luke was sitting in the middle right next to me, and Ty was next to Luke. Then Caleb was driving and Josh was in the passengers seat.


The End.

Please vote maybe? And I'm sorry for ending the book like this! Buuuut I'm making  the sequel in 1 or 2 weeks. So when I start the other book, I will make sure you guys get to read what happens with the big secret. Byeeeee

Word count: 1250


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