Chapter 6. Disaster on Summer

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Summers POV

"So my question is." I pause "Hiebmnay girls have you dated in a lifetime?" I ask him, cause with those looks he must have dated at least 10.

"Surprisingly only 3. I'm hoping you can be my last." He says that one quietly so I wouldn't hear it but I still did. Wait. That means Josh likes me?

"Oh. Wow. I thought there would be more. Your turn." I tell him looking at him. When can we see Caleb, Luke, And Ty?

"Okay. My question Is-" he was cut off by sounds like foitsteps in the bushes. We shine out lights and look over. Oh thank God, it's just a Rabbit.

Caleb's POV
Muahaha you don't know the question is!! It may be what you think it may not be. Muahaha

We were a walking and walking. I know this trail went well, but all I remebr is that half way through there is a sign that says "Stop" and that you stop and wait for the others.

"So what do you think about summer? I mean she is hot." Luke asked and then told me. Of course he liked her. I bet Josh and Ty like her too.

"I like her. And I mean like like her. And yea she is hot but she isn't like most girls. She is different. I like it a lot. What about you Ty?" I ask Ty. I don't think he likes her. Yes as a friend

"Um. I don't like her like that. I'm dating someone." He says and we look at him. He had a girl friend? That's great! He needs one.

"Who?" Luke asks Ty. Was it someone we knew? Or was it someone of Summers friend? WHO!?

"Its one of Summers friend. I feel so bad because if Summer finds out we won't know how she will react. So don't tell her. I will." Ty says. Her friend? Fuck dude how many friends does she have?

"What type of her friend?" I ask her and he was lisjimg but now he went straight to nervous. You could always tell with Ty

"Its. It's her Sister. Bella Sun. Her blood sister. We talked and talked then I asked her lit and she said yes and she said don't tell Summer because Summer will freak." Ty tells us and. Summer has a sister?? I bet she is hot too.

"Oh. Yea let's not tell her." Luke says and we continue out walk. We see the stop sign and we head there. We see Josh and Summer talking. But Josh said something that Summer and I did not like.

Josh's POV

Ok I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her that I liked her not as friends. I hope she does too.

We finally reach the Stop sign and wait for the others

"Summer. I-I like you way more than a friend. When I saw you walk in my room at school I looked at you funny so I could cover up the fact that you are so hot, and I knew I wanted you. So how you have the power to make me want no one except for you. Summer will you go out with me?"
I look into her Sprakling Brown eyes, she looks at me. But not how I'm looking at her. Oh no. She liked someone else

"Josh. I like someone else. Don't get me wrong you have the good looks. But I just don't like you in that way. I'm sorry, your a really good friend." I tell him looking away from me and I saw Caleb, Ty, and Luke. Great. Just fucking great. I told him I didn't like him because I like-

"Hey guys. It's us." Luke looked at me and Winked. Oh boy. He liked me. But I didn't like him

"Guys u swear I don't like him like that. I really like someone else." I tell them and they all sigh in relief "Why did you guys sigh of like, happiness." I ask them with a little smirk on my face and one eyebrow raised.

Luke academyWhere stories live. Discover now