Chapter 7. "sooooo."

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Caleb's POV

Summer was obviously sad that he left. He was good looking, looking perfect with her. What about me? Pfsh she doesn't like me, I'm petty sure she likes Dylan because of how she was around him. But I do know that he likes her because he was touching her but and smirking at me. He was trying to make me jealous. Summer walks back to where we were and I follow her. We both sit down and put our feet in the lake. It felt amazing cause it was hot. It's hit during the day freezing at night. Okay it not hot. It nice out.

"So summer? What kind of connection do you have with him?" I ask summer and she looks at me. She went bright red. Was it because I was talking to her, or that we are talking about Dylan.

"Um, we are pretty good friends. And of your wondering, no we are not dating. We don't have that type of relationship. We are a friendship. Cause i still like someone else. Caleb. Don't worry." She tells me and put a her hand on my shoulder. Her hand sent chills down my spines. Her touch was so powerful.

"Oh okay." I pause.

Just tell her Caleb! JUST tell her! You can finally see who she likes!

"Summer. I need to tell you that I-" was was continuing, but then I was intrupted by summer screaming

"AHHHHHH!!!" She screams. She takes her feet just of the water quickly SOMWTHING TOUCHED ME!!" She screams again. We then see Luke quickly pop out if the water and quickly grabs summers hands and pulls her into the water. After 5 seconds they cane up.

"Haha." Luke says and I give him the death stare. He turns and pulls out of the water.

"Alright alright! I'm leaving!" Like says and walks over to Ty and Josh. And they start laughing

I look at Summer and.. Her eye color changed?? To blue?! She looked beautiful with blue eyes.

"Your eye color changed. You look beautiful with blue eyes." I tell her and she looks at me. She smiles weakly

"Thanks. Now what were you saying? You know before Luke scared me half to death?" She laughs and looks at me, the way she looks at me was not like how she looked at Dylan, Not Ty, Not Luke, and not Josh. I can't describe they way she looked at me.

"Well. Back to what I was saying, Summer. The reason I ask who you like and stuff is because I really really like you. And I want you before Any of the guys do." I tell her and she looks shocked. Why is she shocked?! Every guy she meets likes her because she is really pretty and she isn't fake.

"Caleb... I like Luke." Wait What?! My face litreally was so depressed "Oh my God! I'm joking! Haha got you. No. I really like you Caleb." She looks at me and stares into my eyes. I stare into hers and i lean in and just kiss her. Luke then pushed us into the lake.

"What the Hell Luke?!" I scream at him.

Summer walk away into our tent and all I saw was a shadow of her getting undressed and searching for something else.

"Caleb!!! Come here!!" Summer yells so I walk over to our tent.

"What's up?" I ask and she goes so bright red it was cute

"So um. Someone took my bikini, and I don't know where it is. Do you know where it is?" She asked me and I knew she was gonna get her bathing suit on so I took it. She is gonna have to walk over here to get it. I pull it out and shoe her. Her Jaw drops to the floor and does a fake little pouting face.

Summers POV

So he want to tease me by taking something I need huh? I will take all of his clothes and out them out to Lukes tents. Ugh I'm so evil. Oh well.

"Caleb give then to me." He shakes his head no and sticks his tounge out one a 5 year old. So. I cab do the put on my discounting, cold, wet clothes or grab a towel and run out there. I'm grabbing the towel.

I put a towel on and also out of the tent. He looks at me and runs. I know we aren't dating but I have a good idea so I can have my bikini back.

"Hey Caleb? If you give it back to me I will miss you for as long as you want!" I tell at him and he stopped so fast. I wasn't gonna kiss him. I just need it back so I can go in the lake. He runs back to me and hands me the clothes. Maybe I did want kiss him. Ugh. Why?

I go into the tent and put it on. Before I could walk out Caleb walk in.

"So how about that kiss?" He asks me and I motion him to come over here. He looks up the tent sits next to me.

(Please don't fricken judge me, I'm just trying to make it entertaining and nothing beyond kissing is on this book. Thank youu!)

He leans in and kisses me. I'm not trying to say it was like a cartoon where the fireworks and pixy faired pop up. It felt more like mine and his mouth were parting together.

Woah. He is a great kisser. And he never has had a girlfriend? I don't belive this at all. He wasn't like doing it all sloppy like most guys. He is doing it passionately. Wtf am j thinking?!

Well it's been about 5 minutes of kissing, nothing has happend except for us kissing, me shifting where I was sitting ;) **wink wink** and where mine and his hands were ;) *wink*

We both pull away and he looks at me in my eyes. Where my eyes still blue? I can't stop staring at him. Why? Why? Us looking at eachother got interrupted by the leaders screaming for us all to come over here for the last activity of the day.

We break it up and walk out. I'm in a bikini, so I put on a summer dress that was black and had gold spots on it. It was purrty. We all get there and the leaders look at us. Like he was judging us or something

"Alright. So i can see that you all hang out. Ty and Summer you guys don't hang out, you two are paired. Luke Caleb you two are together. Josh. You will be with, anyone you choose.

"You pick for me. It's too hard of a decision." Josh said. The leader looked at each of the group's and looked directly at Caleb and Luke.

"Go with them." He pointed to them and Josh walked over to them. "Now, you guys are going to have to go out further into the woods. Survive the night there. You will have 1 flashlight each group, you will have little food, very little water. And a gun. Your time starts now. Oh and you can sleep in a tree or on the floor. No tent. Goodbye" we all all walk away, now I cab get closer to Ty.

Alright I hope you enjoyed. Do you ship Caleb and Summer? Summer and Josh? Summer and Ty? Or Summer and Luke? Who? Well, I hope you enjoyed this. Love you byeeeeeeeee😘

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