Chapter 9. The prank

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Summers POV

As we took the smiles off of our faces, it was easy for me cause I used to never smile. Until I came here. Me and Caleb sit down at the mini booth that was there and wait for the others to wake up. This is gonna be so good! I mean their reactions will be amazing!

"Can you imagine if you were really pregnant?" Caleb asks me sorta nervous. That put me in thought. So what if I was, but with whos baby? I can think later.

"If I really was, that's okay. But the really question would be, who would be the dad?" I laugh nervously

"Well, it would have to be me." And he winks at me, Caleb tells me and I instantly goes bright red. And my eyes goes huge. He had the power t9 make me feel crazy.

"Maybe." I say a wink back at him. He does that smirk. You know the emoji that looks like "😏" yea that emoji. That was his face.

"Alright so they should be waking up soon right?" He asks me so I pill out my phone and check the time. It was only 10. So they won't be awake for another 30 minutes or an hour.

"Not for another 1 or something like that." I tell him and shrug my shoulders.

A/N: ⚠️⚠️I'm gonna sound super cheesy and corny for the next paragraph. I'm sorry. I have to do this!!⚠️⚠️

"What are we gonna do to pass the time?" Caleb asks me and raises his eyebrows. He is so sorry minded but it's funny. Because I can say any word and we can both make it dirty.

"How about we play a game?" I do the smirk he does a I raise one eyebrow. he looks at me with his eyes squinted.

"What kind of game?" He says pretending to stoke his (that's what she said) imaginary beard.

"I'm gonna say a word, and you say something related to it." I tell him and I was looking at his bright green eyes for barley 5 seconds. But those 5 seconds felt like hours. No. Years. Caleb breaks us looking into each others eyes, wish he didn't but it's good that he did.

So since it's one word thing, read It faster, no slowly how ya normally do. Read the one word thing faster than usual. Okay byyeeee

"You start." Caleb says

"Close." I say looking at his eyes

"Us." He says.

"You." I say

"Me." He says. He has the stare to make me fall for him. Which I can't. I like Zack. Yea! I like Zack.

"Closer." I say and as each word goes by, the closer we get to each others faces. Who is the first one to just give in and kiss the other?

"Together." He says.


"Now." Funny thing he said that. We were now literally 1 inch away from each others faces.

"Hot." I say

He pauses. Oh no, was I not supposed to say that because I'm so dumb! Aahh!! I was supposed to say something else so it would go slower and I messed it up bec-

He thoughts were interrupted by Caleb grabbing my face and smashing his lips into mine. I was shocked, is that why he had to pause? He was thinking about kissing me?! This is a dream come true! NO! I like Zack!!!!
We both pull away and his hand is still on my cheek. I was confused on why he would EVEN like me. I don't ask questions anymore.

(I'm so cringy I know¡¿)

I couldn't help it, his looks and how great if friends we were, I had to do this. That is a table that separates us. But I jumped over the table and into his arms and I kiss him first. That's weird cause I would never have the courage to do that. But I did with Caleb. I was on his lap and he was holding me, I had my arms on his neck. I hear footsteps behind me and I'm so dumb for not looking back.

"Are you guys dating?" Luke says with a sad, faded voice. I jump off of Caleb and stand up. I didn't want to hurt him because Luke is so strong and amazing. Jesus. Think fast Summer!
I got an idea!

"No, no Luke. We aren't. But we need to talk to you and the others." I look back at Caleb and he gives me a confused look. I turn my head slightly to the right and it clicked. He then realized what I was doing.

~10 minutes later~

Caleb's POV

I had to go with the plan even though I wish we could just say that we were dating. I really wish. Ty and Josh wake up and sit down exactly where we wanted them to. I look at Summer and she signals for her gonna start talking first.

"Okay. Josh, Luke, and Ty. Um. Me and Caleb has had a thing for each other. Why I'm about to tell you may or may not make you either mad at Caleb, Me, or even both of us." Summer says and I'm just gonna cut to the chase because it won't be any fun waiting a longer time. But she continues talking because I knew she wanted me to interrupt her. "And I hope it doesn't because you guys are amazing. So basically-" I cut her off and scream my part. It was funny cause summer tries to hold back a laugh, and she was successful.

"I GOT SUMMER PREGNANT." I blurt out and they all literally freeze. It was so funny because there faces were in the shape of a "O"

"You what?!" Josh says and comes at me with his fist. Little does Summer know is that Josh is in on it. So we are going to get into a fake fist fight. This is gonna be great.

Luke academyWhere stories live. Discover now